Research field (4):
Literature - General
, Literature - Chinese
, Literature - Japanese
, Philosophy - Chinese, Indian, Buddhist
- 2000 - 2003 源氏物語の準拠と典拠についての注解と研究
- 2000 - 2003 Study on the historical facts and authority of The Tale of Genji
- 1991 - 1994 日韓古典文学の比較研究ー仏教説話・孝子説話を中心にー
- 1991 - 1994 Comparative Study of Japanese-Korean Classic Literature
- "日韓古典文学の比較研究 (日韓古典文学,仏教説話,孝子譚)"
- 源氏物語の準拠と典拠についての研究
- "平安文学の研究 (物語,話型,源氏物語)"
- 浄土教の文化と巫俗(日韓文化の比較)
- 平安文学における漢文学引用の方法
- "Comparative Study of Japanese Korean Classic Literature (Japanese- Korean Classic Literature,Buddist Legend,Tales of Filial Obedience)"
- "Study of Japanese Literature of the Heian Period (Narrative Literature,Narrative Type,The Tale of Genji)"
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