J-GLOBAL ID:200901075082111318
Update date: Aug. 03, 2006
Takahashi Katsumi
タカハシ カツミ | Takahashi Katsumi
Affiliation and department:
Research field (1):
Education - general
Research keywords (2):
, Educational Sociology
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4):
- 学級経営に関する比較文化論的研究
- 日本における学級経営論の系譜
- Cross-Cultural Study on Classroom Management
- History of Discourses on Classroom Management in Japan
MISC (31):
1930年代における学級内小集団論-雑誌『教育論叢』を事例として-. 佐賀大学文化教育学部研究論文集. 2001. 6. 1. 63-72
中国の小学校における特別活動-東北地方A市内における二校の事例から-. 佐賀大学文化教育学部附属教育実践研究指導センター紀要. 2001. 17/63-72
「学級文化」概念の検討-新しい学級研究の発展に向けて-. 学校教育研究. 2001. 16. 156-169
A Study on the concept of "Classroom Culture" -toward the Development of New Study on Classroom. Bulletin of Japanese Association of School Education. 2001. 16. 156-169
Extraclass Activities in Chinese Elementary Schools : Based on the aberration of two urban schools in the north-east district. Bulletin of the Center for Educational Research and Practice. 2001. 17/63-72
Education (4):
- - 1998 Nagoya University
- - 1998 Nagoya University Graduate School, Division of Education
- - 1987 Hirosaki University Faculty of Education
- - 1987 Hirosaki University Faculty of Education
Professional career (1):
Association Membership(s) (4):
, 日本学校教育学会
, 日本教育学会
, 日本教育社会学会
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