J-GLOBAL ID:200901075256638043
Update date: Nov. 22, 2024
Nawata Hiroyuki
ナワタ ヒロユキ | Nawata Hiroyuki
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Homepage URL (1):
Research field (1):
English linguistics
Research keywords (3):
, 生成文法
, 英語統語論
Research theme for competitive and other funds (10):
- 2024 - 2027 A Study of Single Language Parametric Variation: A View from the History of English
- 2021 - 2024 理論言語学と言語類型論と計量言語学の対話にもとづく言語変化・変異メカニズムの探求
- 2021 - 2024 英語関係詞の通時的変化とその統語的影響の解明
- 2017 - 2022 英語心理動詞の発達に関する史的統語論研究:項の具現化と文法化の観点から
- 2014 - 2018 英語主語位置の通時的推移に関する情報構造論的研究:談話階層言語から主語階層言語へ
- 2011 - 2014 英語の史的統語変化に関する生成理論的研究:パラメターモデルの精緻化を目指して
- 2009 - 2011 英語史における空の虚辞主語の消失に関する実証的・理論的研究
- 2007 - 2009 英語史における動詞屈折接辞衰退の統語的影響に関する研究
- 2005 - 2007 英語法助動詞の文法化に関する実証的・理論的研究
- 2003 - 2005 英語史における動詞第二位現象の消失に関する実証的・理論的研究
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Papers (53):
Unidirectionality of Language Change in Headed Relative Clauses: The Development of English That/Wh-Relatives. Ivy. 2023. 56. 29-55
Hiroyuki Nawata. Connection and Reduction of Clauses: The Development of English Relative Clauses. Memoirs of the Faculty of Education, Shimane University. 2023. 56. 29-38
Hiroyuki Nawata. Shrinking Relative Clauses: A Diachronic Analysis of the Emergence of English Contact Clauses. Language Change and Variation and Linguistic Theory Revealed by Corpus Survey 3. 2022. 302-314
Hiroyuki Nawata. What made the relative marker 'the which' appear and disappear?. Exploring the Nature of Language from Synchronic and Diachronic Perspectives. 2022. 271-283
Tomio Hirose, Hiroyuki Nawata. A Finer-Structural Analysis of the Japanese Politeness Morphology. Japanese/Korean Linguistics. 2021. 28. 79-93
MISC (6):
Hiroyuki Nawata. Review: Middle English Verbs of Emotion and Impersonal Constructions: Verb Meaning and Syntax in Diachrony, by Ayumi Miura, Oxford: Oxford University Press. Medium Ævum. 2017. 86. 2. 374-375
Hiroyuki Nawata. Review: The Early English Impersonal Construction: An Analysis of Verbal and Constructional Meaning, by Ruth Möhlig-Falke, Oxford: Oxford University Press. Studies in Modern English. 2016. 32. 137-147
Hiroyuki Nawata. Review: Information Structure and Syntactic Change in the History of English, ed. by Anneli Meurman-Solin, María José López-Couso, and Bettelou Los, Oxford: Oxford University Press. English Linguistics. 2014. 31. 1. 353-364
Hiroyuki Nawata. Review: Morphosyntactic Change: Functional and Formal Perspectives, by Olga Fischer, Oxford: Oxford University Press. Studies in English Literature. 2008. 49. 151-158
Hiroyuki Nawata. Review: Grammatical Relations in Change, ed. by Jan Terje Faarlund, Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Studies in English Literature. 2003. 44. 104-109
Books (19):
Verbs and Verbals
Kaitakusha 2024 ISBN:9784758913980
Generative Grammar and Language Change
Kaitakusha 2024 ISBN:9784758914208
Dictionary of English Prepositions for Reading and Writing Correctly
Asakura 2022
100English Proverbs to Learn English Grammar and Culture
Asuka Publishing Inc. 2022
New Horizon English Course 2016 (authorized textbooks for junior high school English)
Tokyo Shoseki 2021
Lectures and oral presentations (35):
The Locus of Parameters, Cluster Effects, and Single Language Parametric Variation Under the "Open" UG
(Symposium in The Forty-Second Conference of The English Linguistic Society of Japan "Language Change and Parameters: Where is the Origin of Language Variation?" 2024)
The Syntax of Cleft Sentences
(The 1st Conference of the English Linguistic Society of Nagoya 2024)
Parametric Variation within a Single Language and Syntactic Change: In View of the Development of Locative Inversion in English
(11th Workshop on Language Variation and Change 2023)
Discourse Configurationality and the Licensing of Quirky Subjects: An Investigation of the Parameter Hierarchy Theory
(The 40th Conference of The Modern English Society 2023)
The Development of Dative Subject Constructions as Individual-Level Possessive Constructions and FinP
(10th Workshop on Language Variation and Change 2023)
Education (2):
- 1995 - 2000 名古屋大学大学院 文学研究科 英文学専攻
- 1991 - 1995 Nagoya University School of Letters
Professional career (2):
- Doctor(English Linguistics) (Nagoya University)
- Master of Arts (Nagoya University)
Work history (5):
- 2019/04 - 現在 Shimane University professor
- 2014/04 - 2019/03 Shimane University Faculty of Education
- 2007/04 - 2014/03 Shimane University Faculty of Education
- 2004/04 - 2007/03 Shimane University Faculty of Education
- 2000/04 - 2004/03 Shimane University Faculty of Education
Committee career (11):
- 2024/05 - 現在 The English Linguistics Society of Japan Chair of the Organizing Committee for ELSJ Spring Forum
- 2023/12 - 現在 The English Linguistics Society of Japan Conference Organizing Committee
- 2023/10 - 現在 Modern English Association Chair of the Editorial Board
- 2022/04 - 現在 The English Linguistic Society of Japan councilor
- 2021/04 - 現在 Modern English Association Editorial Board Member
- 2019/07 - 2024/01 日本英語学会 編集委員会委員
- 2016/04 - 2020/03 近代英語協会 理事
- 2015/06 - 2018/06 日本英文学会 大会準備委員会委員
- 2009/11 - 2012/11 日本英語学会 大会運営委員会委員
- 2009/04 - 2012/03 日本英文学会 編集委員会委員
- 2005/04 - 2009/03 近代英語協会 編集委員会委員
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Awards (6):
- 2020/11 - 島根大学教育学部同窓会 教育振興奨励賞
- 2013/08 - 島根大学 優良教育実践表彰
- 2010/08 - 島根大学 研究功労賞
- 2008/11 - 日本英語学会 研究奨励賞
- 2000/04 - 名古屋大学英文学会 The Ivy Award
- 1998/05 - 近代英語協会 新人賞
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Association Membership(s) (5):
, 日本英語学会
, 日本言語学会
, 日本英文学会
, The Linguistic Society of America
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