J-GLOBAL ID:200901075981084495
Update date: Dec. 18, 2024
Taniguchi Tetsuya
タニグチ テツヤ | Taniguchi Tetsuya
Affiliation and department:
Research field (1):
Research keywords (4):
, algebra
, computational number theory
, number theory
Research theme for competitive and other funds (8):
- 2023 - 2028 Structure Analysis of Science and Mathematics Problems and Application for Individually Optimal Learning
- 2021 - 2026 大学基礎数学における実験計画法を用いた正答・誤答例の分析と,学習支援への展開
- 2021 - 2024 Explication of the conceptual understanding and development of its teaching by the analysis of the discussion passed in a peer-instruction
- 2019 - 2023 量子古典対応および量子カオスの観点に基づくグラフの増大列の解析とその応用
- 2017 - 2020 Development of Peer Instruction of Mathematics and Physics adapted to New Test and Mathematics Concept Inventory
- 2016 - 2019 The study of "deep learning of mathematics and science" which makes a student have a high desire to learn aggressively, and deepens the learning ability
- 2016 - 2019 Optimization of the experimental design by the determinant formula of the relative class numbers of cyclotomic field
- 2014 - 2019 Distribution of prime factors of the class numbers of prime-power cyclotomic fields
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Papers (36):
NAKAGAWA Hayato, AKIYAMA Koki, UESU Hiroaki, TAKAI Yuuki, TANIGUCHI Tetsuya, WATANABE Shuji. 3C12 Education of all faculties required education for data science-Practice and the educational effectiveness of “Data science for Beginners” at first year-. Proceedings of Annual Conference of Japanese Society for Engineering Education. 2023. 2023. 242-243
Uesu Hiroaki, Taniguchi Tetsuya, Takai Yuki, Nishioka Keita, Nakagawa Hayato. Similarity Evaluation of Mathematical Formula by Fuzzy Contingency Table and its Application. Proceedings of the Fuzzy System Symposium. 2023. 39. 574-578
谷口 哲也, TANIGUCHI Tetsuya, 山口 嘉一, YAMAGUCHI Kaichi, 西 誠, NISHI Makoto, 上江洲 弘明, UESU Hiroaki, 高 香滋, TAKA Koji. 数理基礎科目における採点の自動処理の試みと課題;An Attempt to Automate Grading in Mathematical Sciences. 工学教育研究;KIT progress. 2021. 29. 29. 147-156
北島 孝浩, KITAJIMA Takahiro, 谷口 哲也, TANIGUCHI Tetsuya, 兒玉 浩一, KODAMA Koichi, 渡辺 秀治, WATANABE Shuji. Zoomを用いた遠隔指導の評価と課題 -高専の数理科目に関する遠隔授業とサポート教室-;Evaluation and issues of online education via Zoom -online lessons and remote support on mathematical science course-. 工学教育研究;KIT progress. 2021. 29. 29. 41-50
山岡 英孝, YAMAOKA Hidetaka, 西 誠, NISHI Makoto, 工藤 知草, KUDO Tomoshige, 谷口 哲也, TANIGUCHI Tetsuya. 微分積分学における概念因子のコンセプトテストによる授業理解度向上について-ピア・インストラクションを導入した授業の実践と分析II-;Improvement of Class Comprehension by Concept Test of Learning Factors in Calculus-Practice and analysis of lectures introduced the peer instruction II-. 工学教育研究;KIT progress. 2020. 28. 28. 49-55
MISC (34):
上江洲 弘明, 谷口 哲也, 高井 勇輝, 西岡 圭太, 中川 勇人. ファジィ分割表による数式類似度評価とその応用-Similarity Evaluation of Mathematical Formula by Fuzzy Contingency Table and its Application. ファジィシステムシンポジウム講演論文集. 2023. 39. 574-578
Uesu Hiroaki, Taniguchi Tetsuya, Takai Yuki, Nishioka Keita, Nakagawa Hayato. Similarity Evaluation of Math Problems. Proceedings of the Fuzzy System Symposium. 2022. 38. 173-175
UESU Hiroaki, TANIGUCHI Tetsuya, TAKAI Yuki, NISHIOKA Keita, NAKAGAWA Hayato. 2C22 Similarity Evaluation of Science and Math Problems Based on the Structure of the Equation-Similarity between Documents containing Mathematical Expressions-. Proceedings of Annual Conference of Japanese Society for Engineering Education. 2022. 2022. 196-197
NISHI Makoto, YAMAOKA Hidetaka, TANIGUCHI Tetsuya, WATANABE Shuji, TAKAI Yuki. 3D11 Attempt of Evaluation of Grades Based on Achievement Confirmation Using Rubrics. Proceedings of Annual Conference of Japanese Society for Engineering Education. 2022. 2022. 372-373
兒玉浩一, 北島孝浩, 谷口哲也, 山岡英孝. 1E09 Practicing Distance Learning with Zoom and Trying to Apply It to Face-to-Face Lessons -Approach to the Linear Algebra I and II Classes on the Math and Science Basic Subjects-. 工学教育研究講演会講演論文集(Web). 2021. 2021
Lectures and oral presentations (1):
(大学eラーニング協議会・日本リメディアル教育学会合同フォーラム2017 2017)
Education (2):
- - 2007 Tokyo University of Science Graduate School, Division of Science and Engineering
- - 1999 Tokyo University of Science Faculty of Science and Engineering
Professional career (1):
Committee career (1):
- 2013/04 - 日本応用数理学会「数論アルゴリズムとその応用」研究部会(JANT)幹事
Association Membership(s) (2):
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