田場 登志希, 枝松 正樹, 鳥羽 栞, 今福 泰浩, 豊島 陽子, 太和田 勝久, 山田 章. 再構成キネシン繊維上での微小管滑り運動の方向と速度(Direction and speed of microtubule moving along kinesin motors arranged on catchin thick filaments). 生物物理. 2007. 47. Suppl.1. S153-S153
Lectures and oral presentations (23):
再構成キネシン繊維上での微小管滑り運動の方向と速度(Direction and speed of microtubule moving along kinesin motors arranged on catchin thick filaments)
(生物物理 2007)
1P261 Fluctuation analysis of microtubule sliding over kinesin thick filaments in vitro(9. Molecular motor (I),Poster Session,Abstract,Meeting Program of EABS & BSJ 2006)
(Seibutsu Butsuri 2006)
1P173 Microtubule slide over kinesin filament ; kinesin chimeras with truncated neck region
(Seibutsu Butsuri 2005)
3P174 The speed of microtubules moving along and across kinesin filaments is independent of angles between microtubules and kinesin filaments
(Seibutsu Butsuri 2004)
3P173 Force-velocity relation-ships of heterodimeric kinesins : 'hopping' by rapid detachment and re-attachment of head
(Seibutsu Butsuri 2004)