J-GLOBAL ID:200901076157689651   Update date: Aug. 04, 2024

Yokogawa Hiroshi

ヨコガワ ヒロシ | Yokogawa Hiroshi
Affiliation and department:
Research field  (3): Agricultural sociology ,  Agricultural sociology ,  Agricultural and food economics
Research keywords  (4): cultural landscape(agricultural landscape) ,  協同組合にふさわしい事業方式 ,  持続可能な農業・農村 ,  農業・農村の多面的機能
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (27):
  • 2013 - 2015 Ecosystemservices in Aso-agricultural landscape
  • 2010 - 2012 Building of policy-mixed program against environmental pollutions : application of red-soil-GAP, direct payments for farmers and collaboration principle
  • 2008 - 2012 Environment-friendly Management of Industry
  • 2008 - 2010 Designs of Rural Cooperatives System under the Competition of Corporate Systems
  • 2006 - 2008 International joint research of the influence which development of the local trade in East Asia has on food ,agriculture, farm village and environment
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Papers (20):
  • YOKOGAWA Hiroshi. Evaluation of Traditional Ways of Management of Grasslands covering the Center of The Mount Aso Cultural Landscape on Kyushu Island nominated as an "Important Cultural Landscape of Japan" - Mainly from the Viewpoint of Cultural Landscape Value of Grazing "Higono Akaushi"(the Brown Cattle cross-bread mainly with the Simmental Cattle) on the Grasslands. Journal of Asology. 2022. 1. 3-41
  • Yokogawa Hiroshi. Integration of Different Understandings of "Lives and Livelihoods" from Various Academic Fields - Cultural Landscape, Commons and Social Common Capital as Key Concepts for Management of Grasslands and Communities in the Aso Region, Kyushu. Journal of Economics, Kumamoto Gakuen University. 2020. 26. 1-4. 29-56
  • YOKOGAWA Hiroshi. The Agricultural Landscape Aso and Its Management. Journal of Kyushu Kyoritsu University Research Institute. 2017. 10. 19-30
  • YOKOGAWA Hiroshi. Tasks and Solutions for Promoting Agriculture and Rehabilitation of Rural Communities in the Landscapes around Mt.Aso, by Application of Cultural Landscape Concept. 2016. II. 232-252
  • Satoshi Mimura, Hiroshi Yokogawa. Role of Agriculture as the Starting Point in Food Supply Chain. Journal of Kyushu Kyoritsu University Research Institute. 2015. 8. 1-13
MISC (189):
  • 横川 洋. 「阿蘇の原風景」は文化遺産 あか牛の放牧で守る. 日本農業新聞 現場からの農村学教室(264). 2023. 9-9
  • 横川 洋. 協同組合界が全体として果たす社会的役割ー田中夏子SDGs講演の「協同組合の役割」を拡張しICA2020ビジョンで管理運営する. 協同組合ふくおかネットワークニュース. 2020. 3ー4. 1-2
  • Masahiro Moritaka, Norio Sakai, Hiroshi Yokogawa. Economic Evaluation on the Technique Oriented Environmental Payment: Application to the Red Clay Outflow in Sugarcane Cultivation. Sci. Bull. Fac. Agr., Kyushu Univ. 2019. 74. 1・2. 1-13
  • 横川 洋. 沖縄県赤土等流出対策プログラム全体構想の意味するものー赤土GAP・環境支払い・協働原則のミックスによる赤土流出防止プログラムの形成ー. 赤土GAP・環境支払い・協働原則のミックスによる赤土等流出防止プログラムの形成(平成22-24年度科学研究費助成対象研究報告書). 2012. 1-4
  • 横川洋. 環境直接支払い 阿蘇草地畜産への導入を考える. 草原だより (阿蘇グリーンストック). 2012. 53. 1-1
Books (57):
  • Shifting Cultivation Policies -Balancing Environmental and Social Sustainability
    CAB International 2017
  • Agricultural Landscape around Mt.Aso and Its Ecosystem Services - From Landscape Valuation by means of the Cultural Landscape Concept through Landscape Rehabilitation to World Cultural Heritage
    Norin Tokei Shuppan Publisher (Tokyo) 2017 ISBN:9784897323657
  • New Stage of Food-Agriculture Collaboration and Sustainable Resource Uses-Toward to Regional-Rehabilitation under Globalization
    Tsukuba Publishing 2015
  • 生態調和的農業形成と環境直接支払いー農業環境政策論からの接近ー
    青山社 2011 ISBN:9784883592982
  • 大転換期の総合JA-多様性の時代における制度的課題と戦略(増田佳昭編著)157-182頁:ドールシッツ著・横川洋翻訳・編集 新協同組合設立の意義、ステータス、およびその分析ードイツのいくつかの部門から選んだ事例
    家の光協会 2011 ISBN:9784259521714
Works (8):
  • Ecosystemservices in Aso-agricultural landscape
    YOKOGAWA Hiroshi 2013 - 2015
  • 赤土GAP 、環境支払い、協働原則のミックスによる赤土流出防止プログラムの形成
    2010 - 2013
  • 生態系調和型農業への政策転換と日本版GAPの形成
    2005 - 2008
  • 景観概念の農業認識への統合とその応用
    2001 - 2003
  • 地域農業環境プログラムの形成原理と形成条件
    1999 - 2001
Education (2):
  • 1967 - 1972 Kyushu University, Graduate School School of Agriculture Department of Agricultural Economics
  • 1963 - 1967 Kyushu University Faculty of Agriculture Department of Agricultural Economics
Professional career (3):
  • Doctor of Agricultural Sciences (Kyushu University)
  • Master of Agricultural Sciences (Kyushu University)
  • honorary degree, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences (Dr.sc.agr.h.c.) (Universitaet Hohenheim, Germany)
Work history (6):
  • 2013 - 2017 Kyushu Kyoritsu University、Research Institute, Visiting Researcher
  • 2008 - 2013 Kyushu Kyoritsu University, Faculty of Economics, Professor
  • 1995 - 2008 kyushu University, Faculty of Agri., Professor
  • 1992 - 1995 Kyushu Univ. Faculty of Agri. Associate Professor
  • 1987 - 1992 Saga Univ. Faculty of Agri. Associate Professor
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Committee career (16):
  • 2019/10 - 現在 Japan Society of Asology board member
  • 2010 - 現在 日本農業経済学会 名誉会員
  • 2010 - 現在 ドイツ国ホーエンハイム大学名誉博士(Ehrendoktor, Universitaet Hohenheim)
  • 2008 - 現在 九州大学名誉教授
  • 1989 - 現在 ドイツ協同組合研究機関協議会(Arbeitsgemeinschaft GenossenschaftswissenschaftlicherInstitute) Korrespondieredes Mitglied
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Association Membership(s) (9):
Japan Society of Asology ,  日本農業経営学会 ,  ドイツ協同組合研究機関協議会(Arbeitsgemeinschaft GenossenschaftswissenschaftlicherInstitute) ,  九州EU研究会 ,  農業史研究会 ,  社会思想史学会 ,  食農資源経済学会(九州農業経済学会) ,  日本協同組合学会 ,  日本農業経済学会
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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