J-GLOBAL ID:200901076469920016   Update date: Jan. 30, 2024


ナカクボ クニオ | NAKAKUBO Kunio
Affiliation and department:
Research field  (2): Economic policy ,  Theoretical economics
Research keywords  (2): History of Co-operative Thought ,  History of Economic Thought
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (7):
  • 2003 - 2005 Technological Development and Small Businesses in Renewable Energy Industry
  • 2001 - 2002 A Study on the Effect of Incentive Policies and Regulation for Spread of Renewable Energy
  • 1999 - 2000 A study on roles of traditional technology and public policies in utilizing of renewable energy.
  • レオン・ワルラスの経済社会思想
  • 協同組合思想史
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MISC (25):
  • 中久保邦夫. 書評:Walker, Donald A.: Walrasian Economics (New York: Cambridge UP, 2006). 経済学史研究. 2008. 50. 1. 109-110
  • Walras as Cooperation. Les Traditions (]E85D8[)conomizues Francaise. 2000
  • Half of Justice, Half of Utopia ; Walras's Two Concepts of Justice and the Normative Bias of "(]E85D8[)lements". Revue europierme des science sociale. 1999. 37. 116. 37-49
  • 非営利組織としての協同組合. 21世紀ひょうご. 1998. 76
  • Co-operative societies as Not-for-Profit Organization. 1998. 76
Books (13):
  • 第4章「ワルラス-一般均衡論と社会正義-」
    橋本昭一,上宮正一郎編『近代経済学の群像』 1998
  • Walras -general eqnilibrium theory and social justice-
  • 協同組合セクター論の系譜
    『非営利・協同セクターの理論と現実』富沢・川口編 1997
  • ワルラスとローザンヌ学派
    八千代出版,田中敏弘編『経済学史』第16章 1997
  • A Genealogy of Co-operative Sector Theory
Works (1):
  • 7ème colloque de l’Association Internationale Walras : Léon Walras (1834-1910) - Colloque du centenaire, Session 8 : Léon Walras et la coopération, 司会とコメント
    2010 -
Association Membership(s) (4):
Association internationale de Walras ,  Association Charles Gide pour (]J1017[)tudes de pens(]J1118[)e (]J1017[)conomique ,  協同組合学会 ,  経済学史学会
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