J-GLOBAL ID:200901076810503429
Update date: Dec. 18, 2024
Hashimoto Takeshi
ハシモト タケシ | Hashimoto Takeshi
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Other affiliations (3):
Research field (9):
Metabolism and endocrinology
, Clinical pharmacy
, Physiology
, Cell biology
, Functional biochemistry
, Structural biochemistry
, Molecular biology
, Nutrition and health science
, Sports science
Research keywords (1):
Energy metabolism, lactate, mitochondria, skeletal muscle, heart, adipocyte, lipolysis, imaging, biochemistry, lipid droplet, glucose metabolism, lipid metabolism, transporter, metabolic syndrome, obesity
Research theme for competitive and other funds (36):
- 2023 - 2028 ヒト骨格筋オルガノイドを活用した低酸素依存性マイオカインの網羅的探索と評価
- 2023 - 2028 ヒト骨格筋オルガノイドを活用した低酸素依存性マイオカインの網羅的探索と評価
- 2022 - 2026 Effect of the response of shear rate in the cerebral artery to exercise on cerebral endothelial function and cognitive function
- 2022 - 2026 Investigation of muscle-vascular interaction network in different exercise modes
- 2021 - 2026 Creation of empirical research infrastructure for anti-aging that integrate basic science based on engineered skeletal muscle cell culture and applied science
- 2020 - 2023 脳機能亢進に資する骨格筋の「量」と「質」の向上方略策定に向けた挑戦
- 2019 - 2022 Identification of blood biomarkers reflecting qualitative changes in skeletal muscle
- 2018 - 2021 Assessment of functional interactions between organs or tissues by using PC-controllable cell and tissue system modules containing subsystems which may simulate exercise training
- 2018 - 2021 Elucidation of human brain metabolism to maintain/improve higher-order brain function and development of exercise and nutritional prescription
- 2018 - 2021 Paradox of effect of exercise on cognitive function and cardiovascular system
- 2017 - 2020 Development of exercise and diet therapies for the improvement of risk of cardiovascular disease targeting novel myokine
- 2017 - 2020 Biohybrid system composed of function devices for cell metabolism analysis
- 2016 - 2019 Identification of local sites of adipokine production involved in the reduction of cardiovascular disease risk by exercise training
- 2014 - 2019 Manipulation of blood lactate concentration against obesity
- 2015 - 2018 New mechanism of mitochondrial biogenesis mediated by nutritional substrate in skeletal muscle
- 2014 - 2018 Effects of hypoxia on skeletal muscle hypertrophy
- 2015 - 2018 Manipulation of blood lactate concentration against obesity(Fostering Joint International Research)
- 2015 - 2017 Relationship between brain metabolism and exercise-induced improvement in brain function in human
- 2014 - 2017 Development of exercise therapy for reduction of arterial stiffness by exercise-induced secretion of myokines
- 2014 - 2017 New interaction of oxygen binding protein mediating mitochondrial function in skeletal muscle
- 2013 - 2017 The effects of environmental stresses of high-altitude (i.e., hypoxia and hypothermia) on activation of brown adipose tissue and anti-obesity.
- 2013 - 2016 The significance of lactate on improved brain function
- 2013 - 2016 metabolic regulatory system in terms of inter- or extra- cellular lipid recruitment in working muscle
- 2013 - 2015 Comprehensive analysis for interaction of oxygen binding protein with mitochondrial proteins in skeletal muscle
- 2013 - 2015 A programmable system for culture, measurement, and control of fat cell behavior on a chip
- 2011 - 2015 Significance of Expression of Oxygen Transporter for Mitochondrial Respiration Activity and Biosynthesis
- 2011 - 2014 Interaction of oxygen carrier protein with mitochondria activity during muscle contraction
- 2013 - 2014 顕著な脂肪減少ならびに代謝疾患の改善とその分子機序の解明
- 2012 - 2012 認知症に対する運動効果と乳酸を基軸とした分子機序の解明
- 2011 - 2012 Role of carnitine transporter in skeletal bioenergetics during muscle contraction
- 2011 - 2012 脂肪燃焼に対する低酸素と乳酸の効果の検証とその分子機序の解明
- 2010 - 2012 The effects of exercise-inducible factors on lipid metabolism in adipocytes
- 2010 - 2011 脂肪細胞を鍛える因子の探索
- 2010 - 2011 脂肪細胞の運動誘発性ストレス(カテコールアミン、乳酸)に対する応答の解析
- 2010 - 2011 脂肪細胞の運動誘発性ストレスに対する応答の解析
- 2008 - 2010 Interaction of myoglobin with mitochondria as an effective oxygen transport system
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Papers (91):
Hayato Tsukamoto, Niels D Olesen, Lonnie G Petersen, Tadashi Suga, Henrik Sørensen, Henning B Nielsen, Shigehiko Ogoh, Niels H Secher, Takeshi Hashimoto. Circulating Plasma Oxytocin Level Is Elevated by High-Intensity Interval Exercise in Men. Medicine and science in sports and exercise. 2023
Hayato Tsukamoto, Tadashi Suga, Kento Dora, Takeshi Sugimoto, Keigo Tomoo, Tadao Isaka, Takeshi Hashimoto. The lactate response to a second bout of exercise is not reduced in a concurrent lower-limb exercise program. Scientific reports. 2023. 13. 1. 21337-21337
Soichi Ando, Hayato Tsukamoto, Benjamin S Stacey, Takuro Washio, Thomas S Owens, Thomas A Calverley, Lewis Fall, Christopher J Marley, Angelo Iannetelli, Takeshi Hashimoto, et al. Acute hypoxia impairs posterior cerebral bioenergetics and memory in man. Experimental physiology. 2023
Teppei Matsumura, Yuki Takamura, Kazushi Fukuzawa, Kazuya Nakagawa, Shunya Nonoyama, Keigo Tomoo, Hayato Tsukamoto, Yasushi Shinohara, Motoyuki Iemitsu, Akinori Nagano, et al. Ergogenic Effects of Very Low to Moderate Doses of Caffeine on Vertical Jump Performance. International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism. 2023. 33. 5. 275-281
Jun Sugawara, Takeshi Hashimoto, Hayato Tsukamoto, Niels H. Secher, Shigehiko Ogoh. Attenuated pulsatile transition to the cerebral vasculature during high-intensity interval exercise in young healthy men. Experimental Physiology. 2023. 108. 8. 1057-1065
MISC (34):
Kento Dora, Takeshi Sugimoto, Okubo Sahomi, Keigo Katayama, Akifumi Maeda, Hayato Tsukamoto, Takuma Arimitsu, Naokazu Miyamoto, Takeshi Hashimoto. Relationship Between Aging-related Declines In Leg Muscle Volume And Quality And Cognitive Functions. MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE. 2020. 52. 17. 612-612
Shigehiko Ogoh, Takeshi Hashimoto, Soichi Ando. Does Exercise Improve False Episodic Memory in Dementia?. Journal of clinical medicine. 2019. 8. 11
橋本健志, 小河繁彦. 心臓・循環系システムの適応と加齢・運動-8 トレーニングと認知機能適応. 体育の科学. 2018. 68. 9. 675-681
Naoki Horii, Natsuki Hasegawa, Shumpei Fujie, Masataka Uchida, Eri Miyamoto-Mikami, Takeshi Hashimoto, Izumi Tabata, Motoyuki Iemitsu. High Intensity Intermittent Training And Chlorella Intake Enhance Muscle Glycolytic And Oxidative Metabolism In Rats. MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE. 2017. 49. 5. 930-930
Hayato Tsukamoto, Niels D. Olesen, Lonnie G. Petersen, Henrik Sorensen, Henning B. Nielsen, Niels H. Secher, Shigehiko Ogoh, Takeshi Hashimoto. Cerebral Energy Metabolism And Executive Function After Repeated High-intensity Interval Exercise With Decreased Lactate Concentration. MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE. 2017. 49. 5. 578-578
Books (12):
体育の科学 「トレーニングと認知機能適応」
杏林書院 2018
自動車技術 2016
アンチ・エイジング医学 - 運動によるミトコンドリア活性化:乳酸の役割
日本抗加齢医学会雑誌 2015
真興交易(株)医書出版部 2015
NTS 2014
Lectures and oral presentations (148):
(第74回日本体力医学会大会 2019)
(第74回日本体力医学会大会 2019)
(第74回日本体力医学会大会 2019)
(第74回日本体力医学会大会 2019)
(第74回日本体力医学会大会 2019)
Education (3):
- - 2004 Kyoto University Graduate School, Division of Human and Environmental Studies
- - 2001 Kyoto University Graduate School, Division of Human and Environmental Studies
- - 1999 Kyoto University Faculty of Integrated Human Studies Department of Natural Environmental Studies
Professional career (2):
- Master
- Ph.D. (Human and Environmental Studies) (Kyoto University)
Work history (6):
Awards (7):
- 2014/05 - American College of Sport Medicine ACSM Fellow
- 2011/07 - 日本体力医学会学術奨励賞
- 2006/07 - JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowships for research abroad
- 2006/04 - Experimental Biology (FASEB) 「Beginning Investigator Award」受賞
- 2005/12 - American Physiological Society 「The Perkins Memorial Award」受賞
- 2004/06 - American College of Sports Medicine 「International Student Award」受賞
- 2004/03 - 中冨健康科学振興財団 海外留学研究助成 受賞
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Association Membership(s) (6):
Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology
, The Molecular Biology Society of Japan
, The Japanese Biochemical Society
, American Society for Experimental Organism and Medical Science
, American College of Sports Medicine
, Japan Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
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