J-GLOBAL ID:200901076818622559
Update date: Aug. 31, 2022 Usuda Masayuki
ウスダ マサユキ | Usuda Masayuki
Affiliation and department: Research field (1):
History - Asia/Africa
Research keywords (2):
, Modern History of India
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6): MISC (90): -
Kazi Ghyasuddin's Paintings and their Backgrounds. Dept. of Asian Civilization Studies, Faculty of Letters, Tokai Univ. 2003. 1-30
Bengali Literature: Affluent Literature producing a great Poet tagore. Shukan Asahi Hyakka, Sekai no Bungaku, No.116 Asahi Shinbunsya. 2003. 12-170-4
カジ・ギャスディンの絵とその背景. 東海大学文学部アジア文明学科. 2003. 1-30
カリガト絵の読解から得られるサバルタン世界の景観. 東海大学紀要文学部. 2003. 第79輯, 27-56
Kazi Ghyasuddin's Paintings and their Backgrounds. Dept. of Asian Civilization Studies, Faculty of Letters, Tokai Univ. 2003. 1-30
more... Books (20): - The period of the Increase in Muslim population in Bangladesh.
M.Ohashi & M.Murayama(ed.)' 60 chapters to know Bangladesh) 2003
- Draupadi (Short Stories by Mahasweta Devi translated with Mrs.Kyoko Niwa
Gendai Kikakushitu 2003
- イスラーム教徒がふえた時期:人口変遷とその問題点
大橋正明・村山真弓(編)『バングラデシュを知るための60章』 2003
- ドラウパディー(モハッシェタ・デヴィ作、丹羽京子と共訳)
現代企画室 2003
- The period of the Increase in Muslim population in Bangladesh.
M.Ohashi & M.Murayama(ed.)' 60 chapters to know Bangladesh) 2003
more... Works (9): -
1993 -
1993 -
1993 -
1993 -
Introductory note on Oriya Language
1993 -
more... Professional career (2): - Ph. D (Arts in history)
Committee career (1): Association Membership(s) (4):
, アジア政経学会
, 史学会
, 南アジア学会
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