J-GLOBAL ID:200901077101182844   Update date: Jan. 31, 2024

Konno Ryo

コンノ リョウ | Konno Ryo
Affiliation and department:
Homepage URL  (1): http://www.jichi.ac.jp/center/
Research field  (1): Obstetrics and gynecology
Research keywords  (1): 婦人科
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (9):
  • 2010 - 2012 Attitudes Towards and Acceptance of HPV Vaccine in Mothers of Adolescent Girls: Maximizing the Impact of HPV Vaccine in Japan
  • 2007 - 2009 Evaluation of effectiveness for endometriosis treatment using cine-mode MRI
  • 2006 - 2009 The elucidation of the pathogenesis and a search of the molecular targeted treatment of endometriosis.
  • 1999 - 2001 子宮体癌増加要因の解析と予防の可能性に向けての疫学的・分子生物学的研究
  • 1998 - 1999 Involvement of Apoptosis in carcinogenesis of cervical cancer
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Papers (2):
  • Sachiho Netsu, Ryo Konno, Kohei Odagiri, Masaaki Soma, Hiroyuki Fujiwara, Mitsuaki Suzuki. Oral eicosapentaenoic acid supplementation as possible therapy for endometriosis. FERTILITY AND STERILITY. 2008. 90. 4 Suppl. 1496-1502
  • Kohei Odagiri, Ryo Konno, Hiroyuki Fujiwara, Sachiho Netsu, Michitaka Ohwada, Hiroaki Shibahara, Mitsuaki Suzuki. Immunohistochemical study of osteopontin and L-selectin in a rat endometriosis model and in human endometriosis. FERTILITY AND STERILITY. 2007. 88. 1207-1211
MISC (4):
  • 今野 良. HPVワクチン (今月の臨床 婦人科がんの予防戦略と早期診断) -- (子宮頸がん). 臨床婦人科産科. 2013. 67. 8. 781-788
  • 今野 良, 根津 幸穂, 河野 哲也. The Bethesda system (3) Cervical cytology reporting system: background of adoption of the Bethesda system. 臨床検査. 2010. 54. 3. 315-322
  • Medical treatment of endometriosis. 2008. 96. 3. 266-271
  • 根津 幸穂, 今野 良, 藤原 寛行. 子宮内膜症の新しい治療戦略--抗ロイコトリエン受容体拮抗薬 (特集 月経困難症に対する治療戦略). 産婦人科の世界. 2006. 58. 7. 629-635
Professional career (1):
  • 医学博士 (東北大学)
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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