J-GLOBAL ID:200901077223029630
Update date: Nov. 06, 2024
Masumi Matsumoto
マツモト マスミ | Masumi Matsumoto
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Research field (7):
, Art history
, Gender studies
, Local studies
, History of thought
, Cultural anthropology and folklore
, History - Asia/Africa
Research keywords (6):
, Area Studies
, Politics
, History of the Orient
, Cultural Anthropology
, History of Asia
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6):
Papers (13):
MATSUMOTO, Masumi. Yiwu, a city in China. 2024. 2
MATSUMOTO, Masumi. Discussions on Islamic Gender Equality in Modern China: What is Women's Empowerment in an Islamic Context?. Gender Studies 21. 2023. 12. 17-44
松本ますみ. 唯物論の神はイスラームグッズを祝福し給う--世界の工場 中国の経験を垣間見る. CIRAS Discussion Paper. 2021. 102. 25-46
松本ますみ. 「宗教中国化」、「宗教リスク論」の中で変容する回族コミュニティー. 研究 中国. 2020. 10. 45-54
松本 ますみ. A Trial of Active Learning in a Big Class for the Improvement of Critical Thinking Ability. 室蘭工業大学紀要. 2019. 68. 3-14
MISC (24):
Matsumoto Masumi. Hui Muslims asking for exile in Malaysia. 2024
MATSUMOTO, Masumi. Meaning of Scot's journey to the Northwest. Chongqing Air-raids on a colored film. 2023. 29-41
松本 ますみ. 木下光弘『中国の少数民族政策とポスト文化大革命ーウランフの「復活」と華国鋒の知られざる「功績」』. 現代中国. 2022. 96. 186-190
松本ますみ. 少数民族や宗教の「中国化」. 日中友好新聞. 2020. 2526. 1-1
松本ますみ. 書評 新保敦子『日本占領下の中国ムスリム』. 歴史学研究. 2020. 996. 43-46
Books (18):
Memories and Records: A Hundred Years of Women's Experiences
2023 ISBN:9784750355641
法律文化社 2021 ISBN:9784589041326
Education and Empowerment
明石書店 2020 ISBN:9784750351391
現代人文社 2019 ISBN:9784877987244
法律文化社 2016 ISBN:9784589038159
Lectures and oral presentations (32):
Chikasoan Indigenous people in Japanese materials
(Landscapes of the war memories among islands 2024)
Aiming at the Decolonization with the Solidarity of Palestinians: How the Hui Muslim Journals Reported the Palestine Issues during 1930s and 1940sは
(International Workshop:Muslim and non-Muslim Interactions in Secular Contexts 2024)
Kano’s Research on Japanese Women on the Home Front during the WWII- Discovery of Fascism and Enthusiasm from the Bottom
(The 2024 IFRWH Conference in Tokyo 2024)
(日本現代中国学会 第72回全国学術大会 2022)
Occupation and Solidarity; The Recognition of the Middle Eastern Situationin the Muslim Magazine Huijiao Zhoubao (Islam Weekly), published in the Japanese Occupied Territory
(International Symosuym: The Politicization of Islam in East Asia 1950-1950)
Education (3):
- - 1997 Niigata University Graduate School, Division of Modern Social Culture Studies on Inter-Cultural Studies
- - 1993 International University of Japan Graduate School, Division of International Relations Asian Area Studies
- - 1980 Waseda University Faculty of Letters Asian History
Professional career (2):
- MA, International Relations (International University of Japan)
- Ph.D (Niigata University)
Work history (8):
- 2023/06 - 現在 Osaka University Graduate School of Humanities Adjunct Researcher
- 2020/04 - 2021/03 早稲田大学ジェンダー研究所 招聘研究員
- 2017/04 - 2021/03 北海道大学スラブ・ユーラシア研究センター 共同研究員
- 2020/04/01 - 2020/09/30 東北大学国際文化研究科 非常勤講師
- 2020/04 - 2020/09 Parttime Lectuer of the Graduate School of Intercultureal Studies, Tohoku University
- 2005/04 - 2014/03 Professor of Keiwa College
- 2010/04 - 2013/09 Part-time Lectuter of Prefectual University of Niigata
- 1998/04 - 2005/03 Associate Professor of Keiwa College
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Association Membership(s) (10):
, The Peace Studies Association of Japan
, 日本現代中国学会
, Association for Asian Studies
, 女性・戦争・人権学会
, 日本中東学会
, 日本国際政治学会
, アジア政経学会
, 北東アジア学会(旧・環日本海学会)
, 比較思想学会
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