J-GLOBAL ID:200901077330550555
Update date: Jan. 31, 2006
Oryu Shinsho
オリュウ シンショウ | Oryu Shinsho
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Research field (1):
Theoretical studies related to particle-, nuclear-, cosmic ray and astro-physics
Research keywords (7):
, 原子核の構造と性質
, 核反応・散乱
, 原子核物理学
, Nuclear-Structure
, Nuclear Reation・Scattering
, Nuclear Physics
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2):
- 1969 - 2006 原子核、素粒子の少数多体問題
- 1969 - 2006 Nulear Physics, Particle Physics, Few-Body Problems
MISC (39):
Analysis of light nuclei by the AMD-method with the realistic NN potential. Few-Body Systems Suppl., Y.Taniguchi, T.Watanabe, N.Sawado, and S.Oryu. 2003. 15, 247-252
Polarization Effects of the 3/2+ Resonance on the 3He(d, p) 4He Fusion Reaction. Few-Body Systems Suppl., S.Gojuki and S.Oryu,. 2003. 14, 135-138
Analysis of light nuclei with AMD-method. Modernphysics Letters, T.Watanabe, Y.Taniguchi, N.Sawado, and S.Oryu. 2003. A18, 182-185
Polarization Effects in the 3He(d,p)4HeFusion Reaction. ModernPhysics Letters, S.Gojuki and S.Oryu. 2003. A18, 302-305
Search for the quark sheel structure using the non-topological soliton models, Few-Body Systems Suppl. N. Sawado, N. Shiiki, and S.Oryu. 2003. 15, 133-138
Education (4):
- - 1969 Tokyo University of Science Graduate School of Science
- - 1969 Tokyo University of Science Graduate School, Division of Natural Science Physics
- - 1963 Tokyo University of Science
- - 1963 Tokyo University of Science Faculty of Science Department of Physics
Professional career (1):
- Dovtor of Science (Tokyo University of Science)
Work history (6):
- 1996 - - 東京理科大学計算科学フロンティア研究センター
- 1996 - - Frontier Research Center for Computational Science,
- 1969 - - 東京理科大学理工学部物理
- 1969 - - Department of Physics Faculty of Science and
- Tokyo University of Science
- Techinology, Tokyo university of Science
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Association Membership(s) (2):
, Physical Society of Japan
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