J-GLOBAL ID:200901077468850274
Update date: Mar. 28, 2024
Kaneko Motohisa
カネコ モトヒサ | Kaneko Motohisa
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Professor by Special Appointment
Research field (1):
Education - general
Research keywords (6):
, 教育の経済学
, 高等教育論
, Education in Developing Countries
, Economics of Education
, Higher Education
Research theme for competitive and other funds (47):
- 2021 - 2024 Empirical and systematic examination of transformation of college education
- 2018 - 2021 Evaluation of present status of College Education Reform
- 2015 - 2018 University Organization - Structure, Function and Transformation
- 2012 - 2016 Empirical analyses on financial basis and qualitative improvement of undergraduate education
- 2007 - 2010 A Comparative Study on Tuition of Higher Education Institutions in Public Sector
- 2007 - 2010 Research on Core Funding Systems Cover the Expenses Associated to Indispensable Education and Research Activities in National University Corporations
- 2005 - 2009 Data Collection and Simulation Exercises for a Grand Design of Future Higher Education
- 2005 - 2006 Comparison of university evaluation by institution and commercial university evaluation
- 2004 - 2006 高等教育「市場化」の態様と問題点に関する国際比較研究
- 2003 - 2006 Comprehensive study on Finance and Management of National University Corporations in Japan
- 2002 - 2005 A case study on the strategy for universalization of primary education
- 2002 - 2004 The Effect of Education on the Formation of Career in Engineering Education
- 2002 - 2003 A Study of Quality Assurance Systems with International Validity and Currency-The States of University Evaluation in USA, EU and Nippon (Japan)-
- 2001 - 2003 Benchmarking of Level of Research,Teaching and Environment between Japan and Western University
- 2000 - 2002 Research on Finance of National Universities
- 2000 - 2002 International Study on 21st University Image Construction and Strategic Organizational Reforms
- 2001 - 2001 国際的通用力を持つ大学評価システムの形成に関する日.欧.米の国際共同研究
- 1998 - 2000 Transformation and Effect of the Undergraduate Curriculum since the Deregulation of the University Chartering Requirement
- 1998 - 2000 A Study on Higher Education Policy and Financing
- 1997 - 1999 Strategic Management Higher Education Institutions in Knowledge Society
- 1995 - 1997 A Policy Study on the Effects on Financing through Changes of the Higher Education System
- 1995 - 1997 Relations betw. Educ., Admissions & Econo. Dev't in Japan & China
- 1994 - 1995 A Comparative Study on the Curriculum of Graduate Education : Japan and the United States
- 1992 - 1994 Study on Research at Universities-Pst, Present, and Future-
- 1993 - 1993 大学の組織・運営に関する基礎的研究
- 1992 - 1993 Comparative Sociological Study on Research System of Research Universit
- 1991 - 1993 A Policy Study on the Costs and Payr of the Higher Education in Japan.
- 1990 - 1992 A Comparative Study on Evaluation in Higher Education
- 1990 - 1992 Research on the Integration of Statistical Data on Education: The Systematization of Statistical Data on Education among Japanese Governmental Ministries and the Development of Various Applications
- 1990 - 1991 Research on the interaction between science policy and research system at universities
- 1990 - 1991 A Basic Study on Financing and Management of University
- 1990 - 1991 Stuctural Changes in Industry and Post-Secondary Education-An OECD International Study
- 1990 - 1990 Comparative Study on the Relation between Public Policy and Academic Research System
- 1989 - 1990 The Comparative Sociological Study on the Determinant Conditions of Academic Productivity in Institutions of Higher Education
- 1989 - 1990 Experimental Study on the Effective Utilization of Educational Statistics Data Base
- 1987 - 1989 The Comparative Study on the Staff Development in Institutions of Higher Education
- 1987 - 1989 Structural Changes in Economy and Society of Industrial Socities and Their Challenge to Higher Edcuation-An OECD International Study
- 発展途上国の教育と経済発展
- 高等教育と労働市場に関する研究
- 大学教育改革に関する研究
- 高等教育財政に関する研究
- Development and Education in Developing Countries
- Higher Education and Labor Market
- Reforms in Undergraduate Education
- Financing of Higher Education
Show all
Papers (1):
Kaneko Motohisa. <講演録> Structural changes in Japan's higher education?. Journal of higher education and lifelong learning. 1999. 5. 145-147
MISC (111):
Mezo-Analyses of College Education and Learning. 2015. 41. 3-15
Motohisa Kaneko. Keynote Lecture : Globalization and University Reform. 2015. 5. 111-125
金子 元久. 財務経営担当者がみた国立大学法人 (大学法人化10年). IDE : 現代の高等教育. 2014. 561. 65-71
Organization and Governance in University : Theoretical and Historical Perspectives. 2014. 40. 1-18
Organization and Governance in University : Theoretical and Historical Perspectives. Reviews in higher education. 2012. 118. 1-18
Books (18):
教育学年報 2002
Pitfalls of the Evoluative State
Annals of Education 2002
放送大学教育振興会 2000
Political Economy of Education
The University of the Air Press 2000
八代尚宏編『市場志向の教育改革』日本経済新聞社 1999
Works (2):
2001 -
Bench-Marking Exercise of Leding University in Japan. Europe and the U.S.
2001 -
Education (6):
Professional career (2):
- Ph.D (The University of Chicago(U.S))
- Master of Education (The University of Tokyo)
Committee career (2):
- 2011 - 現在 日本学術会議 会員
- 2011/05 - 日本高等教育学会 会長
Association Membership(s) (2):
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