J-GLOBAL ID:200901077543053261   Update date: May. 03, 2024

Ueda Yoshio

ウエダ ヨシオ | Ueda Yoshio
Research field  (3): Nuclear fusion ,  Thin-film surfaces and interfaces ,  Semiconductors, optical and atomic physics
Research keywords  (5): Plasma application ,  プラズマ材料相互作用 ,  核融合炉工学 ,  Plasma Material Interaction ,  Fusion Reactor Technology
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (28):
  • 2017 - 2021 Plasma and liquid metal interactions under strong magnetic field
  • 2018 - 2020 Development of new highly-sensitive gas sensor with nano-fiber metallic structure by He plasma processes
  • 2014 - 2017 Dynamic fracture toughness of tungsten under ternary loading
  • 2013 - 2017 Melt layer dynamics and solidification behavior of tungsten by pulsed heat loading and evalution of surace protection layer
  • 2014 - 2016 Improvement of tungsten lifetime by coating with middle melting point materials
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Papers (207):
  • N Saura, D Garrido, S Benkadda, K Ibano, Y Ueda, S Hamaguchi. Spectroscopic analysis improvement using convolutional neural networks. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 2023. 56. 35
  • M Yoshida, G Giruzzi, N Aiba, J F Artaud, J Ayllon-Guerola, L Balbinot, O Beeke, E Belonohy, P Bettini, W Bin, et al. Plasma physics and control studies planned in JT-60SA for ITER and DEMO operations and risk mitigation. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. 2022. 64. 5. 054004-054004
  • Nathaniel Saura, Koh Mastumoto, Sadruddin Benkadda, Kenzo Ibano, Heun Tae Lee, Yoshio Ueda, Satoshi Hamaguchi. Improving penalized semi supervised nonnegative matrix factorization result's confidence using deep residual learning approach in spectrum analysis. International Conference on Electrical, Computer, and Energy Technologies, ICECET 2022. 2022
  • Takafumi Okita, Yuki Matsuda, Sho Saito, Eiji Hoashi, Kenzo Ibano, Yoshio Ueda. Observation of surface deformation of tungsten exposed to single pulsed high heat flux and magnetic field for divertor design. Fusion Engineering and Design. 2021. 171
  • M. Oya, M. Shimada, C. N. Taylor, M. Kobayashi, Y. Nobuta, Y. Yamauchi, Y. Oya, Y. Ueda, Y. Hatano. Deuterium retention in tungsten irradiated by high-dose neutrons at high temperature. NUCLEAR MATERIALS AND ENERGY. 2021. 27
MISC (232):
Patents (1):
  • 中性粒子ビーム照射装置
Books (9):
  • 原子力・量子・核融合事典 第I分冊 原子核物理とプラズマ物理・核融合
    丸善出版 2017 ISBN:9784621302255
  • Reduction of Erosion Yield of Graphite Materials under High Flux Beam Irradiation
    Proceedings of 16th international conference of fusion energy 1997
  • Reduction of Erosion Yield of Graphite Materials under High Flux Beam Irradiation
    Proceedings of 16th international conference of fusion energy 1997
  • Production of a long life FRC plasma by translation and the study of its confinement properties.
    Proceedings of 15th international conference on Plasma Physics and controlled Nuclean Fusion Research 1995
  • Experiments with Molybdenum and Tungsten limiters in TEXTOR
    Proceedings of 15th international conference on Plasma Physics and controlled Nuclean Fusion Research 1995
Works (30):
  • プラズマ対向材料中のトリチウム挙動評価研究
    2009 -
  • 第一壁表面混合層の形成メカニズムと水素同位体挙動に与える影響
    2009 -
  • ヘリウムイオン照射されたタングステンの表面構造と水素同位体蓄積
    2009 -
  • 炉内へのトリチウムの蓄積と除去
    2009 -
  • 核融合炉内複雑環境におけるトリチウム蓄積挙動の実験的研究
    2009 -
Education (3):
  • 1983 - 1986 The University of Tokyo Faculty of Science Department of Physics
  • 1981 - 1983 The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Science Department of Physics
  • 1977 - 1981 The University of Tokyo Faculty of Science Department of Physics
Professional career (1):
  • Doctor(Science) (The University of Tokyo)
Work history (4):
  • 2006/07 - 現在 Osaka University Graduate School of Engineering Professor
  • 1987/09 - 1996/05 Osaka University Graduate School of Engineering Associate Professor
  • 1987/09 - 1996/05 Faculty of Engineering, Osaka University Research associate
  • 1986/10 - 1987/08 Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Awards (3):
  • 2014 - 大阪大学 総長顕彰
  • 2009 - JT-60U共同研究 優秀賞
  • 1991 - 高温学会論文賞
Association Membership(s) (3):
物理学会 ,  原子力学会 ,  プラズマ・核融合学会
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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