J-GLOBAL ID:200901077773034665
Update date: Jun. 06, 2020
Soma Mitsuyuki
ソウマ ミツユキ | Soma Mitsuyuki
Affiliation and department:
Research field (3):
Basic physical chemistry
, Space and planetary science
, Environmental dynamics
Research keywords (2):
, Environmental Physical Chemistry
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6):
MISC (27):
N Itoh, Y Tani, M Soma. Sedimentary photosynthetic pigments of algae and phototrophic bacteria in Lake Hamana, Japan: temporal changes of anoxia in its five basins. LIMNOLOGY. 2003. 4. 3. 139-148
N Itoh, Y Tani, T Nagatani, M Soma. Phototrophic activity and redox condition in Lake Hamana, Japan, indicated by sedimentary photosynthetic pigments and molybdenum over the last similar to 250 years. JOURNAL OF PALEOLIMNOLOGY. 2003. 29. 4. 403-422
Haruhiko SEYAMA, Mitsuyuki SOMA. Surface-analytical studies on Environmental and Geochemical Surface Processes. Anal. Sci. 2003. 19. 4. 487-497
Biogeochemistry of manganese oxide coatings on pebble surfaces in the Kikukawa River System, Shizuoka, Japan. Applied Geochem. 2003. 18. 88-94
H Seyama, K Kinoshita, M Soma. Surface alteration of plagioclase during acid dissolution. SURFACE AND INTERFACE ANALYSIS. 2002. 34. 1. 289-292
Books (12):
酸性雨研究と環境試料分析, 愛智出版 2000
Surface analysis of weathered minerals
Analysis of environmental samples in acid deposition studies, Aichi Pub. 2000
Depth profiling of naturally weathered biotite(共著)
Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry SIMS (]G0010[)(]G0002[), Elsevier 2000
NMR of hectorite containing organotin cations intercalated by ion exchange (共著)
Clays for our future, the ICC97 Organizing Committee 1999
地球環境変動の科学-バイカル湖ドリリングプロジェクト 古今書院 1998
Education (4):
- - 1964 The University of Tokyo
- - 1964 The University of Tokyo
- - 1962 The University of Tokyo Faculty of Science
- - 1962 The University of Tokyo Faculty of Science
Professional career (1):
Association Membership(s) (8):
, 日本分析化学会
, 日本陸水学会
, Clay Minral Society
, 環境科学会
, 日本地球化学会
, 日本粘土学会
, 日本化学会
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