J-GLOBAL ID:200901079004173213
Update date: Dec. 18, 2024
Ishikawa Yuichi
イシカワ ユウイチ | Ishikawa Yuichi
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Research field (1):
Fluid engineering
Research keywords (2):
, Vacuum Science and Technology
Research theme for competitive and other funds (8):
- 真空用材料からの水素ガス放出の制御
- 電子部品・デバイスの環境劣化
- 真空用材料からの放出ガスの低減に関する研究
- 電子材料、部品・デバイスの腐食損傷防止
- Reduction of Hydrogen Outgassing from Vacuum Materials
- Corrosion Failure of Electronic Components & Devices
- Reduction in Outgassing from Materials in Vacuum Applications
- Corrosion Failure Prenvention of Electronic Materials, Components and Devices
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MISC (162):
Books (58):
丸善株式会社 2006
金属の腐食・防食Q&A 電気化学入門編
丸善 2002
科学図書出版社 2002
Prevention of Crevice Corrosion of Stainless Steels with Sealing Materials Containing Zinc Powder(共著)
International Conf. on Corrosion in Natural and Industrial Environments, NACE 1995
Prevention of Crevice Corrosion of Stainless Steels with Sealing Materials Containing Zinc Powder(共著)
International Conf. on Corrosion in Natural and Industrial Environments, NACE 1995
Works (4):
2001 -
Hydrogen Trapping in Stainless Steel
2001 -
1999 - 2000
Aging Degradation of Duplex Stainless Steel
1999 - 2000
Education (2):
- - 1964 Chiba University Faculty of Engineering
- - 1964 Chiba University Faculty of Engineering
Professional career (2):
- 博士(Ph.D.) (ペンシルバニア州立大)
- 修士(工学) (千葉大学)
Work history (3):
- 1972 - 2000 Hitachi, Ltd., Mechanical Engineering Research Laboratory
- 2000 - - 横浜国立大学留学生センター 教授(短期留学プログラム担当)
- 1971 - 1972 ゲッチンゲン大学 物理化学研究所
Committee career (1):
Awards (6):
- 2005 - 腐食防食協会協会賞
- 2002 - 腐食防食協会 技術賞
- 1995 - 日本真空協会熊谷記念真空科学論文賞
- 1991 - 腐食防食協会論文賞
- 1990 - 日本真空協会真空技術賞
- 1985 - 腐食防食協会技術賞
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Association Membership(s) (1):
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