J-GLOBAL ID:200901079040449900
Update date: Dec. 14, 2009
Ohga Yoshimitsu
オオガ ヨシミツ | Ohga Yoshimitsu
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Attorney at Law
Research field (1):
Civil law
Research keywords (2):
, Commercial Law
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4):
- 手形法・小切手法
- 会社法
- Negotiable Instruments Law
- Corporation Law
MISC (22):
権利外観理論の現代的意義. 法学研究(慶應義塾大学). 2000. 73. 2. 163
「会社業務執行役員制」考. 法学研究(慶應義塾大学). 2000. 73. 2
"Die Rechtsscheintheorie"by Ernst JACOBI and its significance in the present day. Hogaku Kenkyu(Keio University). 2000. 73. 2. 163
On the Corporate Executive Officers (A Comparison between the United States and Japan). 2000. 73. 2
会社法の日中比較. 修道法学(広島修道大学). 1997. 19. 2. 95-126
Books (34):
ロー・スクール講義 商法I 会社法
株式会社 フタバ図書 2004
Law School Lecture Business Corporation Law (Commercial Law I)
Futaba Tosho 2004
日本弁護士会編.平成15年度版・日弁連研修叢書『現代法律実習の諸問題』 2004
中央経済社 2001
The Base of Negotiable Instrument Law
Chuo Keizai Sha 2001
Education (4):
- - 1960 Keio University Graduate School of Law
- - 1960 Keio University Graduate School, Division of Law
- - 1958 Keio University Faculty of Law Department of Law
- - 1958 Keio University Faculty of Law
Professional career (2):
Committee career (1):
Association Membership(s) (7):
, 日独法学会
, 信託法学会
, 中四国法政学会
, 日本保険学会
, 日本経済法学会
, 日本私法学会
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