J-GLOBAL ID:200901079740541386   Update date: Jun. 10, 2024

Kawasaki Toshio

カワサキ トシオ | Kawasaki Toshio
Affiliation and department:
Job title: Associate Professor
Research field  (4): Human geography ,  Economic history ,  History - Japan ,  Geography
Research keywords  (14): 民間作成の市街地図 ,  住宅地図 ,  職業別明細図 ,  地方企業 ,  中位中心地 ,  地方都市 ,  地方銀行 ,  歴史地理学 ,  経済史 ,  日本史 ,  人文地理学 ,  economic history ,  Japanese history ,  human geography
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (7):
  • 1989 - 2030 Study on Modernization in Japan from Meiji Era to Early Showa Era.
  • 2011 - 2014 近代後期における地方有力者の活動と地域市場圏の再編成に関する歴史地理学的研究
  • 2011 - 2014 近代日本の地方拠点都市の成長と人間主体の社会空間的活動に関する歴史地理学的研究
  • 2006 - 2009 公権力の空間認識に係る近代歴史地理学的研究
  • 1990 - 2008 Study on Changes in Merchants and Commerce in Local Cities from Meiji Ery to Early Showa Era.
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Papers (20):
  • KAWASAKI Toshio. The characteristics of wealthy people in Mito in the Showa period before World War II~Using the valuation reports of the property tax of Mito city in 1937~. 2018. 59. 135-142
  • 川﨑 俊郎, 河野 敬一. The Transformation of a Middle-Order Central Place during the Latter Part of the Modern Period : The Genealogy and Business of the Maejima Family in Ota, Ibaraki Prefecture. 歴史地理学 = The Historical geography. 2017. 59. 1. 33-54
  • 小口 千明, 川﨑 俊郎, 髙橋 淳, 三津山 智香, 菊 凛太郎, 木村 遼之, 藤野 哲寛, 王 君香, 桜木 真理子. Modern Prosperities and the Afterwards of Yatabe Town and Tsukuba County, Ibaraki Prefecture. 歴史地理学野外研究. 2016. 17. 59-94
  • KAWASAKI Toshio. The role of local capital and outside capital about the industrialization of the local city. Proceedings of the General Meeting of the Association of Japanese Geographers. 2014. 2014. 175-175
  • KAWASAKI Toshio. Spatial Distribution of Graffiti around Iwaki Station before and after the Great East Japan Earthquake. 福島工業高等専門学校研究紀要. 2012. 53. 53. 155-160
MISC (23):
  • KAWASAKI Toshio, KONO Keiichi. Genealogy and Characteristic of Town Plan by the Private Enterprise during Modernization Period in Mito City: An Analysis of Map Notation and Contents of the SHOKUGYOUBETSU-MEISAIZU by TOKYO KOTSUSHA. 2022. 62. 133-142
  • 川﨑 俊郎. The Study about the value of the magazine "CHIHOKEIZAI" for Understanding of The Local cities in IBARAKI Prefecture. 研究紀要 = Research reports, National Institute of Technology, Fukushima College. 2017. 58. 105-110
  • 川崎 俊郎. 学界展望(2015年1月~12月)近・現代. 人文地理学. 2016. 68. 3. 348-351
  • 川﨑 俊郎. The document of historical geography, KORIYAMA ANNAI : The report about the local newspaper KORIYAMA MAINICHISHINBUN and the writer TACHIBANA Terumasa. 研究紀要 = Research reports,Fukushima National College of Technology. 2014. 55. 103-110
  • KAWASAKI Toshio. Merger of Local Banks and These Branches Placement in north IBRAKI from 1900 to 1940. Research reports. 2012. 53. 129-138
Books (6):
  • 景観形成の歴史地理学-関東縁辺の地域特性-
    二宮書店 2008
  • 近代日本の地域形成-歴史地理学からのアプローチ
    海青社 2007
  • 鹿沼市史地理編
    鹿沼市 2003
  • 小諸市誌近・現代篇
    小諸市 2003
  • 岩間町史
    岩間町 2002
Lectures and oral presentations  (9):
  • 雑誌「地方経済」からみた昭和戦前期における茨城県の地方都市
    (歴史地理学会第241例会 2015)
  • A Historical Analysis of a Middle-Order Central Place in the Modern Era -Business expansion of Maejima Family, Ota Ibaraki Prefecture-
  • The role of local capital and outside capital about the industrialization of the local city ~Koriyama and Kurashiki as an example~
  • The estimation of local bank executives for ‘Prefecture’and policies to merge banks together
  • 大正期から昭和初期における地方銀行の支店網形成~「地方的合同」の基礎として~
    (歴史地理学会第213回例会 2008)
Works (1):
  • -
    2001 -
Education (4):
  • 1990 - 1996 University of Tsukuba
  • - 1996 University of Tsukuba Graduate School, Division of History and Anthropology
  • 1986 - 1990 University of Tsukuba
  • - 1990 University of Tsukuba First Cluster of College
Professional career (1):
  • (BLANK) (University of Tsukuba)
Work history (7):
  • 2019/10 - 現在 松村看護専門学校 非常勤講師
  • 2016 - 現在 National Institute of Technology, Fukushima College Department of General Education
  • 2007 - 2016 National Institute of Technology, Fukushima College Department of General Education
  • 2003 - 2007 National Institute of Technology, Fukushima College Department of General Education
  • 1998 - 2003 National Institute of Technology, Fukushima College Department of General Education
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Association Membership(s) (4):
地理空間学会 ,  人文地理学会 ,  日本地理学会 ,  歴史地理学会
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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