J-GLOBAL ID:200901079956171893   Update date: Jun. 24, 2024

Hayasaka Kiyoshi

ハヤサカ キヨシ | Hayasaka Kiyoshi
Affiliation and department:
Job title: Emeritus Professor
Research field  (1): Fetal medicine/Pediatrics
Research keywords  (2): 小児科学 ,  Pediatrics
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (8):
  • 1977 - 2014 先天代謝異常症の病態
  • 1987 - 2007 The metabolic basis of hyperglycinemia
  • 1999 - 先天性中枢性低換気症候群の病態
  • 1999 - Pathogenesis of congenital central hypoventilation syndrome
  • 1997 - 新生児黄疸の病態
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Papers (96):
  • Tetsuo Mitsui, Satoshi Makino, Gen Tamiya, Hiroko Sato, Yuki Kawakami, Yoshitaka Takahashi, Toru Meguro, Hiroko Izumino, Yosuke Sudo, Ikuo Norota, et al. ALOX12 mutation in a family with dominantly inherited bleeding diathesis. Journal of Human Genetics. 2021. 66. 8. 753-759
  • 沼倉 周彦, 田宮 元, 植木 優夫, 岡田 知雄, 米沢 俊一, 石井 加奈子, 村上 潤, 堀川 玲子, 徳原 大介, 伊藤 孝一, et al. シトリン欠損症における成長障害の検討. 日本小児科学会雑誌. 2020. 124. 2. 400-400
  • 沼倉 周彦, 和田 陽一, 菊池 敦生, 呉 繁夫, 三井 哲夫, 早坂 清. 思春期年齢に到達したガラクトース血症IV型の2例. 日本マス・スクリーニング学会誌. 2019. 29. 2. 199-199
  • Taeko Hashimoto, Yutaka Harita, Keiichi Takizawa, Seiya Urae, Kiyonobu Ishizuka, Kenichiro Miura, Shigeru Horita, Daisuke Ogino, Gen Tamiya, Hideki Ishida, et al. In Vivo Expression of NUP93 and Its Alteration by NUP93 Mutations Causing Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis. KIDNEY INTERNATIONAL REPORTS. 2019. 4. 9. 1312-1322
  • Taeko Hashimoto, Yutaka Harita, Keiichi Takizawa, Seiya Urae, Kiyonobu Ishizuka, Kenichiro Miura, Shigeru Horita, Daisuke Ogino, Gen Tamiya, Hideki Ishida, et al. In Vivo Expression of NUP93 and Its Alteration by NUP93 Mutations Causing Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis. Kidney international reports. 2019. 4. 9. 1312-1322
MISC (330):
  • Satoshi Okano, Akira Yasui, Shinichiro Kanno, Kiyoshi Hayasaka, Masahiko Igarashi, Osamu Nakajima. Reduced Expression of KPAN2 and Dysfunction of beta-Cells in C414A-CRY1 Transgenic Mice. DIABETES. 2017. 66. A572-A572
  • Daisuke Ogino, Taeko Hashimoto, Motoshi Hattori, Noriko Sugawara, Yuko Akioka, Gen Tamiya, Satoshi Makino, Kentaro Toyota, Tetsuo Mitsui, Kiyoshi Hayasaka. Analysis of the genes responsible for steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome and/or focal segmental glomerulosclerosis in Japanese patients by whole-exome sequencing analysis (vol 61, pg 137, 2016). JOURNAL OF HUMAN GENETICS. 2016. 61. 8. 771-772
  • Satoshi Okano, Akira Yasui, Shin-Ichiro Kanno, Kiyoshi Hayasaka, Masahiko Igarashi, Osamu Nakajima. Anomalous Ductal Structure in the Islet of Diabetic Cysteine414-Alanine-mCRY1 Transgenic Mice. DIABETES. 2016. 65. A530-A530
  • 早坂 清, 田宮 元, 牧野 悟士, 沼倉 周彦, 林 真貴子, 阿部 暁子, 植木 優夫, 田中 敦, 他田 正義, 小野寺 理. 劣性軸索型および混合型Charcot-Marie-Tooth病における新規病因遺伝子COX6A1の同定. 日本先天代謝異常学会雑誌. 2015. 31. 149-149
  • Treatment and Pathomechanism of Citrin Deficiency. 2015. 67. 6. 739-747
Professional career (1):
  • (BLANK)
Awards (2):
  • 2013 - 日本先天代謝異常学会 日本先天代謝異常学会賞 シャルコー・マリー・ツース病の分子病態
  • 1989 - 日本医師会 日本医師会医学研究助成費 遺伝子多型を利用した高グリシン血症の遺伝子診断法の確立
Association Membership(s) (3):
日本人類遺伝学会 ,  日本先天代謝異常学会 ,  日本小児科学会
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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