J-GLOBAL ID:200901080339025560
Update date: May. 23, 2023
Kawasaki Eriko
カワサキ エリコ | Kawasaki Eriko
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Professor emeritus
Research field (1):
Experimental psychology
Research keywords (2):
, Cognitive Psychology
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2):
- 1985 - 文章理解と記憶過程に関する研究
- Study on knowledge structure and text comprehension
Papers (4):
並木 博, 西本 武彦, 中垣 啓, 米倉 康江, 神長 伸幸, 坂爪 一幸, 川崎 惠里子. 作動記憶と一般知能因子g : その効用、完成度、そして問題点(準備委員会企画シンポジウム5). 日本教育心理学会総会発表論文集. 2010. 0. 52. 84-85
ABE Yoshinobu, KAWASAKI Eriko. The Factor of Individual Differences in Reading Span Test : Resource-Sharing or Task-Switching?. The journal of Kawamura Gakuen Woman's University. 2007. 18. 1. 61-69
Ryuta Iseki, Eriko Kawasaki. How do situation models differ in narrative and expository text? A comparison based on five situational dimensions. JAPANESE JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY. 2006. 54. 4. 464-475
木村 円, 神長 伸幸, 川崎 惠里子. 文章理解におけるタイトル提示効果の個人差と語彙数. 日本教育心理学会総会発表論文集. 2002. 0. 44
MISC (14):
The rolo of working memory capacity and vocabulary in processing gardenpath sentences(jointly worked). 4th Tsukuba International Conference OnMemory. 2003
The rolo of working memory capacity and vocabulary in processing gardenpath sentences(jointly worked). 4th Tsukuba International Conference OnMemory. 2003
Learning complete versus partial linear orders. 3rd Tsukuba International Conference On Memory. 2002
Effects of path & manner verbs event memory(jointly worked). XXVII International Congress of Psychology. 2002
Learning complete versus partial linear orders. 3rd Tsukuba International Conference On Memory. 2002
Books (10):
ナカニシヤ出版 2012 ISBN:4779506220
ことばの実験室 : 心理言語学へのアプローチ
ブレーン出版 2005 ISBN:4892427918
現代心理学理論辞典 認知心理学編 4.文章理解の理論
朝倉書店 2001
風間書房 2000 ISBN:4759911871
福村出版 1999
Education (4):
- - 1980 Waseda University
- - 1980 Waseda University Graduate School of Letters, Arts and Sciences Psychology
- - 1974 Waseda University School of Education
- - 1974 Waseda University Faculty of Education
Professional career (2):
- Master of Arts (Waseda University)
- Doctor of Literature (Waseda University)
Work history (11):
- 1996 - 1997 スタンフォード大学 客員研究員
- 1996 - 1997 Stanford University, Visiting Scholar
- 1988 - 1997 Kawamura Gakuen Woman's University
- 1988 - 1997 Kawamura Gakuen Woman's University, Assistant
- 1997 - - 川村学園女子大学 教授
- 1997 - - Kawamura Gakuen Woman's University, Professor
- 1990 - - 早稲田大学 非常勤講師
- 1990 - - Waseda University, Part-time Lecturer
- 1985 - 1988 江戸川女子短期大学 講師
- 1985 - 1988 Edogawa Woman's Junior College, Lecturer
- Professor
Show all
Committee career (1):
- 1989 - 1990 日本認知科学会 常任運営委員,運営委員
Association Membership(s) (6):
The Psychonomic Society
, American Psychological Association
, 日本認知科学会
, 日本基礎心理学会
, 日本教育心理学会
, 日本心理学会
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