J-GLOBAL ID:200901080451620373   Update date: Oct. 17, 2024

Toramaru Atsushi

トラマル アツシ | Toramaru Atsushi
Affiliation and department:
Job title: Professor
Homepage URL  (1): http://ganseki3.geo.kyushu-u.ac.jp/index.html
Research field  (1): Solid earth science
Research keywords  (4): 非線形科学 ,  火山学 ,  Non-Linear Science ,  Volcanology
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (23):
  • 2015 - 2019 Phenobubble: Clue to magma reservoir justs prior to eruptions
  • 2009 - 2011 Tremor equations for geyser eruptions
  • 2009 - 2011 Elucidation of factors controlling eruption styles by bubble dynamics study
  • 2005 - 2007 岩石の流理構造から変形場を推定する試み
  • 2005 - 2007 Establishment of scaling law concerning the intra-conduit mechanics using pumice
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Papers (58):
  • Indranova Suhendro, Atsushi Toramaru, Agung Harijoko, Haryo Edi Wibowo. Heterogeneous pumice populations of the 52 ± 3 ka Maninjau caldera-forming eruption, West Sumatra, Indonesia: Evidence of multiple magma reservoirs feeding a large silicic eruption. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences. 2024. 276
  • Christian Huber, Atsushi Toramaru. Increase in magma supply to Sakurajima volcano’s (Japan) shallow magma chamber over the past 500 years. Geology. 2024. 52. 4. 235-239
  • Atsushi Toramaru, Tsuyoshi Kichise. A New Model of Crystallization in Magmas: Impact of Pre-Exponential Factor of Crystal Nucleation Rate on Cooling Rate Exponent and Log-Linear Crystal Size Distribution. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth. 2023. 128. 10
  • Gabriela Nogo Retnaningtyas Bunga Naen, Atsushi Toramaru, Saefudin Juhri, Kotaro Yonezu, Haryo Edi Wibowo, Rachmi Mustika Pertiwi Putri Gunawan, Tabegra Disando. Distinct pumice populations in the 74 ka Youngest Toba Tuff: Evidence for eruptions from multiple magma chambers. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 2023. 437
  • Kyohei Sano, Atsushi Toramaru. Application of time-temperature-transformation and time-pressure-transformation diagrams for cooling- and decompression-induced crystallization to estimate the critical cooling rate required to form glassy obsidian. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 2023. 435
MISC (103):
Books (2):
  • Vesiculation and Crystallization of Magma: Fundamentals of the Volcanic Eruption Process
    2021 ISBN:9789811642081
  • Vesiculation and crystallization of magma:Fundamentals of Volcanic Eruption Process
    University of Tokyo Press 2019
Works (2):
  • 雲仙火山:科学掘削による噴火機構とマグマ活動解明のための国際共同研究
    2002 - 2004
  • 火山熱流体混相流の研究
    2001 - 2003
Professional career (1):
  • (BLANK) (The University of Tokyo)
Committee career (1):
  • 1994 - 1998 火山学会 評議委員
Awards (1):
  • Volcanological Society of Japan Volcanological Society of Japan Award Theoretical study on vesiculation and crystallization of magma
Association Membership(s) (5):
惑星科学会 ,  アメリカ地球物理学連合 ,  形の科学会 ,  鉱物学会 ,  火山学会
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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