- 2011/12 - 2017/11 公認会計士試験 試験委員
- 2002/04 - 2017/03 Nihon University College of Economics Lecturer part-time.
- 2013/04 - 2014/09 Waseda University Lecturere(Part-time),Intermediate Seminar 27
- 2012/04 - Gunma University Professor Emeritus
- 2011/04 - 2012/03 Lecturer
- 2009/04 - 2010/03 Lecturer
- 1997/04 - 2010/03 Reitaku University Lecturer-Part time, (the History of Economic Thought)
- 2009/04 - Meiji University School of Polotical Science and Economics Professor of Economic Theory
- 2003/12 - 2009/03 Gunma University Professor of Economics, Faculty of Social and Information Studies
- 1999/08 - 2007 University of the Air Lecturer(part-time)
- 2003/04 - 2006 Tokyo International University Lecturer part-time
- 1998/04 - 2003/11 Gunma University Faculty of Social and Information Studies Associate Professor of Economics
- 2003/01 - 2003/03 University of Rome 3 the Centro Sraffa, Faculty of Economics Visiting Scholar,(the Piero Sraffa Fellowship)
- 1999/09 - 2000/03 Ministry of Education of Japan(University of Cambridge) Fellowship
- 1999/09 - 2000/03 University of Cambridge,Wolfson College The Faculty of Economics Visiting Scholar, 1 September 1999- 30 March 2000. (1999 fellowship of the Ministry of Education of Japan)
- 1995/04 - 1999 Takasaki City University Lectuer-part-time, (Modern Economic Theory)
- 1993/04 - 1999 Nishogakusha University Lecturer, part-time
- 1993/10 - 1998/03 Gunma University Faculty of Social and Information Studies Assistant Professor of Economics
- 1994/09 - 1995/01 Nihon University Seminar (2)(3), part-time
- 1989/04 - 1993 J.F.Oberlin University Modern Economic Theory, part-time
Show all
Japanese Economic Association
, 日仏経済学会
, The Japanese Society for the History of Economic Thought
, Pan-Pacific Association of Input Output Studies(PAPAIOS)
, The Ricardo Society
, Royal Economic Society
, European Society for the History of Economic Thought
, Econometric Society
, 国際教育学会
, Post Keynesian Economics Study Group
, International Input Output Association
, 経済教育学会
, World Economic Association
, Input Output Research Association
, The Japanese Society for Post Keynesian Economics