J-GLOBAL ID:200901080824641740   Update date: Jul. 28, 2022

Ohzeki Yasuhiro

オオゼキ ヤスヒロ | Ohzeki Yasuhiro
Affiliation and department:
Research field  (3): Literature - General ,  Literature - Chinese ,  Literature - European
Research keywords  (6): 日英比較文学 ,  「ベーオウルフ」の研究 ,  古英語謎詩 ,  Japanese-English Comparative Literature ,  A Study of ┣DBBeowulf(/)-┫DB ,  Old English Riddles
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (6):
  • 英米詩と俳句の比較研究
  • 「ベーオウルフ」の研究
  • 古英語謎詩の研究
  • Comparative study between English American Poetry and Japanese Haiku
  • A Study of "Beowulf"
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MISC (12):
  • Haiku and Bushido, The Soul of Japan. The Takachiho Rnso. 2003. 37. 3.4. 191-207
  • Haiku and Bushido, The Soul of Japan. The Takachiho Rnso. 2003. 37. 3.4. 191-207
  • WhitmanとMiltonにおける哀歌の伝統. 高干穂論叢. 2000. 35. 1. 70
  • The Tradition of the Elegy in Whitman and Milton. The Takachiko Ronso. 2000. 35. 1. 70
  • 沙翁と漱石. 高千穂論叢. 1999. 34. 2-3
Books (3):
  • 俳句と『武士道』
    高千穂論叢 2003
  • 古代英詩と海
    文化書房博文社 1986
  • Old English Poetry and the Sea
Education (4):
  • - 1976 Senshu University Graduate School of the Humanities
  • - 1976 Senshu University Graduate School, Division of Letters
  • - 1970 Dokkyo University Faculty of Foreign Languages Department of English
  • - 1970 Dokkyo University Faculty of Foreign Language
Professional career (1):
  • (BLANK)
Association Membership(s) (3):
大学英語教育学会 ,  日本英文学会 ,  中世英語英文学会
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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