J-GLOBAL ID:200901080852134579
Update date: Nov. 19, 2024
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6):
Papers (42):
Tsuguyoshi UENO. Charles Winslow's Definition of Public Health and the Human Machine Theory: A History of the Human Engineering Movement in the Progressive Era. American Review. 2022. 40. 29-48
Tsuguyoshi UENO. C.-E. A. Winslow’s Definition of Public Health: A Literature Review on the Revisions of the Definition without Explanation. (Part 1). Kyoto Management Review. 2022. 40. 1-28
Tsuguyoshi UENO. The Model Plant of the “Safety First” Movement: The Myth and Reality of the Gary Works. Journal of American Economic History. 2021. 20. 21-49
Tsuguyoshi UENO. On the Efficiency of the “Human Machine”: The Scientific Management Movement through Factory Equipment Advertisements. Kyoto Management Review. 2021. 39. 75-87
Tsuguyoshi UENO. Humanitarian Narratives of the Beginnings of the Safety Movement: Their Birth in America and Rebirth in Japan. Kyoto Management Review. 2021. 38. 49-84
MISC (30):
新刊紹介:Work Organizational Reforms and Employment Relations in the Automotive Industry: American Employment Relations in Transition, by Kenichi Shinohara (London and New York: Routledge, 2022). アメリカ学会会報. 2023. 213. 9-9
書評:『ホワイトカラー雇用史序説--20世紀アメリカの企業社会--』関口定一著 (中央大学出版部, 2021年9月). 経営史学. 2023. 57. 4. 65-68
Tsuguyoshi UENO. "Good Ethics Is Good Business": The Birth of a New Readership of Yoshiusuke Aikawa's Essay. Kyoto Management Review. 2022. 40. 205-216
上野継義. Bibliography of Charles-Edward A. Winslow: An Addendum, 1908-1924. 京都マネジメント・レビュー. 2022. 40. 217-223
Tsuguyoshi UENO. Critical Review on the Papers Presented at the Modern History Section of the 2020 Annual Meeting of the Society. Journal of Historical Studies. 2021. 1008. 39-40
Lectures and oral presentations (52):
(関西アメリカ史研究会 2024)
(経営史学会第57回全国大会 2021)
(経営史学会第57回全国大会 2021)
人間機械論と公衆衛生の定義--革新主義期アメリカにおけるC.-E. A. ウィンズローと人間工学運動--
(社会政策学会労働史部会2021年度第1回研究会 2021)
(アメリカ経済史学会第63回全国大会 2020)
Works (30):
Personnel Management
2021 -
Welfare Capitalism
Tsuguyoshi UENO 2021 -
Critical Review on the Papers Presented at the Modern History Section of the 2020 Annual Meeting of the Society
<U>Tsuguyoshi UENO</U> 2021 -
書評:『エコロジーの世紀と植民地科学者--イギリス帝国・開発・環境--』水野祥子著 (名古屋大学出版会, 2020).
2021 -
Hugo Diemer Bibliography, No. 4
<U>Tsuguyoshi UENO</U> 2019 -
Education (3):
- 1983 - 1989 Chuo University
- 1980 - 1983 Chuo University
- 1975 - 1980 Chuo University Faculty of Commerce
Professional career (2):
- 学術博士(経営学) (中央大学)
- 商学修士 (中央大学)
Committee career (8):
Association Membership(s) (6):
, American Economic History Association, Japan
, アメリカ学会
, 社会経済史学会
, 経営史学会
, 歴史学研究会
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