J-GLOBAL ID:200901081089382759
Update date: May. 06, 2020
Okamoto Tetsuro
オカモト テツロウ | Okamoto Tetsuro
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Research field (3):
, Internal medicine - General
, Experimental pathology
Research keywords (7):
, 腫瘍学
, 消化器疫学
, Immunology
, Clinical
, Oncology
, Gastroenterology
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2):
2002 - 2003 癌抗原を用いたDNAワクチンの開発
2001 - 2003 食道癌の免疫療法
MISC (14):
Induction of heat-shock protein 47 systhesis by TGF-β IL-1β via enhancement of the heat-shock element binding activity of heat-shock transcription factor 1. J.Immunol. 2002. 168:5178-5183
Induction of heat-shock protein 47 systhesis by TGF-β IL-1β via enhancement of the heat-shock element binding activity of heat-shock transcription factor 1. J.Immunol. 2002. 168:5178-5183
Collagen-induced Murine Arthritis by Ex-Vivo EC-SOD Gene Transfer. Arthritis Rheum. 2001. 26:2106-2167
Collagen-induced Murine Arthritis by Ex-Vivo EC-SOD Gene Transfer. Arthritis Rheum. 2001. 26:2160-2167
Molecular markers in blood as surrogate prognostic indicators of melanoma recurrence. Cancer Res. 2000. 60(8):2253-7
Education (2):
- 1993 Sapporo Medical University
- 1989 Sapporo Medical University School of Medicine
Professional career (1):
Ph.D.(Medical Science) (Sapporo Medical University)
Work history (8):
2000 - 現在 札幌医大助手
2000 - 現在 , Instructor, Sapporo Medical Univ.
1997 - 2000 札幌医大研究生
1997 - 2000 Research fellow, Sapporo Medical Univ.
1995 - 1997 ジョン・ウェイン癌研究所・研究員
1995 - 1997 Research Scientist, John Wayne Cancer Institute
1993 - 1995 札幌医大研究生
1993 - 1995 Research fellow, Sapporo Medical Univ.
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Awards (2):
1996 - 米国癌学会ブリストルマイヤーズスクイブ腫瘍学賞
1996 - Bristoe-Meyers Squibb Oncology Award, AACR1996
Association Membership(s) (6):
, 日本免疫学会
, 日本消化器病学会
, 日本癌治療学会
, 日本癌学会
, 日本内科学会
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