J-GLOBAL ID:200901081211524594
Update date: Oct. 20, 2023
Shimizu Makoto
シミズ マコト | Shimizu Makoto
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Research field (1):
Research keywords (1):
Corpus Linguistics
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4):
- 2007 - 2017 学術論文におけるコロケーション
- 2007 - 2017 Collocations in academic papers
- 2000 - 2010 日英語の再帰形
- 2000 - 2010 Japanese and English reflexives
Papers (29):
MISC (13):
清水眞, 山之上卓. インターネットと英語の授業. 九州工業大学研究報告(人文・社会科学). 1996. 44. 61-72
SHIMIZU Makoto. THE PSEUDO-MAIN SENTENCE TYPE PARENTHETICALS AND THE THREE DIMENSIONAL THEORY. Bulletin of the Kyushu Institute of Technology. Humanities, social science. 1995. 43. 43. 41-58
Makoto SHIMIZU. Does Category Conversion Belong to Linguistics?. 福岡言語学研究会編『言語学からの眺望』(九州大学出版会). 1993. 59-74
SHIMIZU Makoto. The Construction of Virtual Mentality. Bulletin of the Kyushu Institute of Technology. Humanities, social science. 1993. 41. 41. 43-55
SHIMIZU Makoto. Category Convertor : Certain Types of Discrepanies between Forms and Functions and their Effects on Syntax. Bulletin of the Kyushu Institute of Technology. Humanities, social science. 1992. 40. 40. 69-84
Books (1):
英語学用語辞典 (コーパス言語学K-Mの項)
三省堂 1999
Lectures and oral presentations (15):
(2017 ISTEC 2017)
Active and passive voices in biology
(2015 CamTESOL 2015)
Passive and active voices in engineering papers
(2013 GloCALL 2013)
(言語処理学会第19回年次大会(NLP2013) 2013)
Passive and active voices in scientific papers
(The 10th Asia TEFL International Conference 2012)
Education (4):
- - 1986 Seinan Gakuin University Graduate School, Division of Letters
- - 1986 Seinan Gakuin University Graduate School, Division of Letters
- - 1984 University of Lancaster Graduate School, Division of Foreign Language MA in Language Studies
- - 1981 Seinan Gakuin University Faculty of Literature
Professional career (2):
- MA (Seinan Gakuin University)
- MA in Language Studies (University of Lancaster)
Work history (6):
- 2012 - Faculty of Science, Tokyo University of Science Professor
- 2007 - Faculty of Science, Tokyo University of Science Associate Professor
- 1998 - 2006 Faculty of Science, Tokyo University of Science Associate Professor
- 1994 - 1998 Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu Institute of Technology Associate Professor
- 1989 - 1994 Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu Institute of Technology Assitant Professor
- 1986 - 1989 Faculty of Letters, Hiroshima Jogakuin College Assitant Professor
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