J-GLOBAL ID:200901081372890574
Update date: Feb. 14, 2024 Kodama Katsuji
コダマ カツジ | Kodama Katsuji
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Vice-President, Art and Culture Research Institute Tezukayama University,Professor
Research field (3):
Economic policy
, International law
, Cultural anthropology and folklore
Research keywords (6):
, 国際通商摩擦
, 国際通商の法と政策
, Japanese Culture and its own Legal mind
, International Trade Frictions
, International Trade Law and Policy
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6): MISC (14): -
切腹-何故にしびれて 日本人. 帝塚山芸術文化. 1999. 6. 1-12
HARAKIRI or Japanese traditional style of suicide ----to be bitterly fascinated and so to be Japanese, WHY?. TEZUKAYAMA GEIJUTSUBUNKA. 1999. 6. 1-12
「素敵な」ダンピング・「素敵な」アンチダンピング考-日本におけるビジネスとビジネス法のしめやかな関係. ビジネス法研究. 1997. 4. 82-92
経済法リストラ研究会 報告書 (共著). (株)三菱総合研究所. 1997. 通産省産政局委託. 34-43
"DUMPING"or"AntiDUMPING", which is more charming for you? - on some cool friendship between the business practice and the business law in Japan. JABL. 1997. 4. 82-92
more... Books (14): - 解説 米国ウルグアイ・ラウンド協定法-通商法改正による日本企業への影響(共著)
日本貿易振興会(JETRO) 1996
- An commentary on American Uruguay- Round- Agreements- implementing- Act and its effects on Japanese enterprises (joint authorship)
Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) 1996
- NAFTAと日本企業への影響(共著)
日本貿易振興会(JETRO) 1995
- NAFTA and its effects on Japanese enterprises (joint authorship)
Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) 1995
- 日本のセ-フガ-ド法制改正についての検討(共著)
公正貿易センタ- 1994
more... Works (31): -
'Lecture' Enfor 'Voluntary' Restraint, its Enigma and merits, if any (at the round-table conference on folklore TEZUKAYAMA)
2003 -
2003 -
'Lecture' Enfor 'Voluntary' Restraint, its Enigma and merits, if any (at the round-table conference on folklore TEZUKAYAMA)
2003 -
2002 -
【Lecture】 Conciliation, Conspiracy and Self-restriction -On the local and global legal system (Forum Tempyo Salon)
2002 -
more... Education (4): - - 1959 The University of Tokyo Faculty of Law
- - 1959 The University of Tokyo Faculty of Law Course of Public Laws
- - 1959 The University of Tokyo Faculty of Law Course of Political Science
- - 1957 The University of Tokyo Faculty of Law
Work history (9): - 2000 - - 帝塚山大学 大学院法政策研究科 教授 兼任
- 2000 - - Professor, Study department of after
- 1996 - 1997 Tezukayama University Faculty of Economics
- 1996 - 1997 Professor, Faculty of Economics, Tezukayama
- 1997 - - 帝塚山大学法政策学部 教授
- 1997 - - Professor, Faculty of Law and Policy,
- graduate course of Law and Policy,
- Tezukayama University
- University
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Committee career (1): Association Membership(s) (5):
, 国際商取引学会
, 日本ビジネス法学会
, 日本国際経済法学会
, The Japan Association of International Economic Law
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