J-GLOBAL ID:200901081398537759
Update date: Jun. 06, 2020
Tanaka Yasushi
タナカ ヤスシ | Tanaka Yasushi
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Affiliation and department:
St.Marianna University School of Medicine
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Job title:
Research keywords (2):
, Endocrinology and Metabolism
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6):
Effect of Antioxidants on Diabetis Atherosclerosis
Significance of Advanced Glycation Endproducts in Diabetic Conplications
Study Insulin Resistance and Atherosclerosis in syndrome-X Rabbit
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MISC (20):
Y Tanaka, Y Atsumi, K Matsuoka, A Mokubo, T Asahina, K Hosokawa, S Shimada, H Matsunaga, M Takagi, O Ogawa, et al. Usefulness of stable HbA(1c) for supportive marker to diagnose diabetes mellitus in Japanese subjects. DIABETES RESEARCH AND CLINICAL PRACTICE. 2001. 53. 1. 41-45
H Matsunaga, Y Tanaka, M Tanaka, JS Gong, J Zhang, T Nomiyama, O Ogawa, T Ogihara, Y Yamada, K Yagi, et al. Antiatherogenic mitochondrial genotype in patients with type 2 diabetes. DIABETES CARE. 2001. 24. 3. 500-503
H Yoshii, H Uchino, C Ohmura, K Watanabe, Y Tanaka, R Kawamori. Clinical usefulness of measuring urinary polyol excretion by gas-chromatography/mass-spectrometry in type 2 diabetes to assess polyol pathway activity. DIABETES RESEARCH AND CLINICAL PRACTICE. 2001. 51. 2. 115-123
Y Tanaka, K Inoue, S Shimada, T Shimizu, M Kawasumi, H Iwamoto, T Onuma, R Kawamori. Inhibitory effect of dilazep hydrochloride on the formation of advanced glycation end products. CURRENT THERAPEUTIC RESEARCH-CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL. 2000. 61. 4. 191-198
J Kinoshita, Y Tanaka, M Niwa, H Yoshii, M Takagi, R Kawamori. Impairment of insulin-induced vasodilation is associated with muscle insulin resistance in type 2 diabetes. DIABETES RESEARCH AND CLINICAL PRACTICE. 2000. 47. 3. 185-190
Books (5):
軽症糖尿病 早期発見・早期管理 1999
食事療法の科学 この1年のトピックスを中心にして
専門医のための糖尿病学レビュー '98〜'99 1998
新.糖尿病の薬物療法(日本医学中央会) 1997
細胞外マトリックス〜臨床医学への応用〜 1996
分子糖尿病学の進歩 1994
Education (2):
- 1986 Shiga University of Medical Science Undergraduate School of Medicine Faculty of Medicine
- 1986 Shiga University of Medical Science Faculty of Medicine
Professional career (1):
Association Membership(s) (5):
, 肥満学会
, 内分泌学会
, 糖尿病学会
, 内科学会
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