J-GLOBAL ID:200901081622797907
Update date: Dec. 17, 2024
Yokote Koutaro
ヨコテ コウタロウ | Yokote Koutaro
Affiliation and department:
Research field (1):
Metabolism and endocrinology
Research keywords (2):
, 生活習慣病と合併症の成因解明・治療
Research theme for competitive and other funds (28):
- 2024 - 2027 Deciphering haptic glucose regulatory mechanism through liver FoxO1 PPARA in liver-fat axis and its clinical application
- 2023 - 2026 早老症の多角的解析に基づく老化と疾患の病態解明
- 2022 - 2025 Unveiling the risk factors of ageing to promote healthy longevity
- 2021 - 2024 Innovative treatment and and study of aging suppression mechanism with NAD precursors for aging model disease
- 2020 - 2023 多層的モデルの解析に基づく老化と関連疾患の分子病態解明
- 2017 - 2020 Elucidation of molecular pathology of aging and diseases based on multi-dimensional analysis of progeroid syndromes
- 2017 - 2020 Discovery of novel progeroid syndrome loci and contribution to normative aging
- 2017 - 2019 Cell Therapy on Chronic Kidney Diseases by Inducible Podocytes from Somatic Cells
- 2016 - 2019 Pathological analysis and therapeutic development for Werner syndrome by disease-specific iPS cells.
- 2016 - 2019 Functional analysis of R3h domain containing-like, a novel skeletal satellite-cell-expressed gene, for investigating new treatment strategy of sarcopenia
- 2015 - 2019 The development of quality indicators and the building of a system pertaining to continuation and collaboration in the field of elderly care
- 2015 - 2019 Elucidation of the transformation mechanisms of a cognitive function and activity in brain reward prcessing after bariatric surgery in obesity
- 2014 - 2019 Understanding of stem cell aging as the onset basis of hematopoietic tumors in elderly patients
- 2014 - 2017 Pathological elucidation of age-related diseases by integrative analyses of senescence genes
- 2014 - 2017 Analysis of the mechanism of myelofibrosis with Smad3 knock out mice
- 2014 - 2016 The role of Semaphorin signaling in pathogenesis of obesity and fatty liver -possible implication of gastrointestinal biota.
- 2011 - 2015 Investigation of the mechanism of lifestyle-related diseases through the functional analysis of Semaphorin 3G, with the goal of developing a novel biomarker.
- 2012 - 2014 Establishment of disease iPS cells and molecular analysis of age-related changes in progeroid syndrome
- 2011 - 2014 The role of lymphatic system and its functional failure in development of metabolic disorders.
- 2008 - 2010 Functional analysis of a novel glomerular specific gene and its application in the treatment of diabetic nephropathy.
- 2008 - 2010 Functional analysis of CCN3, a novel growth inhibitor for vascular smooth muscle cells, and its application in the treatment of vascular diseases.
- 2006 - 2007 Anti-atherosclerotic factors induced by Smad signaling in vascular cells
- 2004 - 2005 Novel therapeutical approach against atherosclerosis through modification of TGF-β signal in vascular
- 2001 - 2001 ヘキソサミン経路を介し糖尿病合併症の発症に関わる遺伝子群の同定と調節機構の解明
- 2001 - 2001 がんを好発するSmad3欠損マウスを用いたTGF-β作用に関する血管生物学的解析
- 2000 - 2001 ヘキソサミン経路を介する遺伝子発現賦活機序の解明と糖尿病性大血管障害抑制への応用
- 1998 - 1998 血小板由来増殖因子受容体細胞内シグナル伝達機構の解析
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Papers (685):
Atsuko Tamaki, Masayuki Kuroda, Ken Yonaha, Yohei Ishiki, Moriyuki Uehara, Yoshiro Nakayama, Ken-Ichiro Honma, Rei Chinen, Tsugumi Uema, Shiki Okamoto, et al. A Rare Case of Autoimmune-Mediated Lecithin:Cholesterol Acyltransferase Insufficiency Manifesting as the Acute Onset of Extremely Hypo-High-Density Lipoprotein-Cholesterolemia and Spontaneous Improvement: A Case Report with a Review of the Literature. Journal of atherosclerosis and thrombosis. 2024
Kazuto Aono, Masaya Koshizaka, Mayumi Shoji, Hiyori Kaneko, Yukari Maeda, Hisaya Kato, Yoshiro Maezawa, Makoto Miyabayashi, Mai Ishikawa, Akiko Sekiguchi, et al. Less frequent skin ulcers among patients with Werner syndrome treated with pioglitazone: findings from the Japanese Werner Syndrome Registry. Aging. 2024. 16
Misuzu Yahaba, Haruna Asano, Kengo Saito, Shota Murata, Kenji Kawasaki, Hitoshi Chiba, Shou Yokota, Hiroshi Yoshikawa, Yoriko Herai, Kazutaka Yamagishi, et al. Antibody Responses and Infection Prevention following the Sixth Vaccination using the BA.1 bivalent COVID-19 vaccine among Healthcare workers during the XBB variant Dominance in Japan. Japanese journal of infectious diseases. 2024
Koutaro Yokote, Junya Ako, Kazuo Kitagawa, Nobuhiro Osada, Feng Sheng, Masae Sonoda, Tamio Teramoto. Safety and Effectiveness of Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol-Lowering Therapy With Evolocumab for Familial Hypercholesterolemia/Hypercholesterolemia in Japan: A Real-World, Postmarketing, Single-Arm Study. Journal of the American Heart Association. 2024. 13. 21. e035809
Masaaki Miyata, Masayuki Kuroda, Junko Miyoshi, Mika Kirinashizawa, Rora Nagasawa, Misato Yamamoto, Yuichi Akasaki, Kensuke Utatsu, Yoshiro Maezawa, Koutaro Yokote, et al. Novel pathogenic variant in the LCAT gene in a compound heterozygous patient with fish-eye disease and a mild phenotype. Journal of Clinical Lipidology. 2024
MISC (1,603):
横手幸太郎. 巻頭文:企画にあたって. 日本臨牀. 2024. 82. 10. 1502-1503
菅生 将史, 鈴木 佐和子, 渡邉 涼香, 五十嵐 活志, 類家 裕太郎, 石渡 一樹, 今村 有佑, 坂本 信一, 市川 智彦, 池田 純一郎, et al. 副腎癌と鑑別を要した後腹膜腫瘍の特徴. 日本内分泌学会雑誌. 2024. 100. 1. 425-425
熊谷 仁, 木内 政宏, 小久保 幸太, 飯沼 智久, 小野 啓, 花澤 豊行, 古関 明彦, 中山 俊憲, 平原 潔, 横手 幸太郎. USP7-STAT3-granzyme経路はIL-5/IL-13産生Th2細胞の分化を促進しアレルギー性炎症を制御する. 日本臨床分子医学会学術総会プログラム・抄録集. 2024. 59回. 42-42
菅生 将史, 王 莉莉, 渡邉 涼香, 五十嵐 活志, 類家 裕太郎, 石渡 一樹, 藤本 真徳, 飯沼 智久, 鈴木 佐和子, 小出 尚史, et al. 甲状腺全摘出術後にhungry bone syndromeを呈したコントロール不良なBasedow病の一例. 日本内分泌学会雑誌. 2024. 99. 5. 1283-1283
横手幸太郎. 肥満症 新たな治療薬が登場:注意すべき点は?. NHKテキスト:きょうの健康. 2024. 60-63
Lectures and oral presentations (215):
Semaglutide2.4mg as an Anti-Obesity Drug:Insights from Clincal Practice in Japan.
(SICOM&AOCO 2024 2024)
(第45回日本肥満学会・第42回日本肥満症治療学会学術集会.JASSO教育講演 2024)
(肥満症の予防・改善で100年の健康人生を勝ち取ろう!~肥満は万病への静かな侵略者~.第45回日本肥満学会・第42回日本肥満症治療学会学術集会.市民公開講座 2024)
(第45回日本肥満学会・第42回日本肥満症治療学会学術集会 2024)
(第45回日本肥満学会・第42回日本肥満症治療学会学術集会 2024)
Education (4):
- 2021 - 慶應義塾大学大学院経営管理研究科 修士課程EMBAプログラム 修了
- 1998 - 千葉大学大学院 博士課程 修了
- 1996 - スウェーデン国立ウプサラ大学大学院 博士課程 修了
- 1988 - 千葉大学医学部医学科 卒業
Professional career (3):
- Doctor of Medical Science / PhD (Uppsala University)
- Doctor of Mecicine (Chiba University)
- Master of Business Administration (Keio University)
Work history (5):
- 2020/04 - 現在 千葉大学医学部附属病院 病院長、千葉大学 副学長
- 2019/01 - 現在 (研究領域名変更に伴い)千葉大学大学院医学研究院 内分泌代謝・血液・老年内科学教授
- 2009/05 - 現在 千葉大学大学院医学研究院 細胞治療内科学講座(旧第二内科)教授
- 2011/04 - 2020/03 千葉大学医学部附属病院 副病院長 併任
- 2009/05 - 2020/03 千葉大学医学部附属病院 糖尿病・代謝・内分泌内科 科長
Awards (5):
- 2021 - 第36回日本糖尿病合併症学会 Expert Investigator Award
- 2012 - 日本動脈硬化学会 第7回五島雄一郎賞
- 2006 - 第43回日本老年医学会関東甲信越地方会最優秀演題賞
- 2005 - 第20回日本糖尿病合併症学会Young Investigator Award
- 2002 - 日本心臓財団「高血圧と血管代謝」コンペティション最優秀賞
Association Membership(s) (11):
, 日本臨床栄養学会(理事)
, 日本肥満症治療学会(理事)
, 日本糖尿病合併症学会(常務理事)
, 日本内分泌学会(理事)
, 日本糖尿病学会(学術評議員)
, 日本老年医学会(理事)
, 日本臨床分子医学会(理事)
, 日本動脈硬化学会(理事)
, 日本内科学会(理事)
, 日本肥満学会(理事長)
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