Research theme for competitive and other funds (2):
2020 - 家族の同一行動時間の実証分析
2011 - 主観的幸福に関する実証分析
Papers (27):
Hikaru Hasegawa, Kazuhiro Ueda. Time Allocation and Life Satisfaction of Women in Japan. Nihon Fukushi University Discussion Paper series DP-2022-01. 2023. 1-18
Hikaru Hasegawa, Kazuhiro Ueda. Empirical analysis of a time-use model incorporating correlations among three household members. Behaviormetrika. 2022. 49. 1. 69-89
上田和宏,長谷川光. 女性の生活時間の決定要因の分析:2006 年「社会生活基本調査」から. Discussion Paper, Series B, No.2019-173. 2019. 1-17