Research theme for competitive and other funds (6):
リンパ濾胞(胚中心)を主座とする免疫応答の細胞・分子メカニズムのin situでの解析
Immuno-pathological study of the reactions and diseases in lympho-reticulo-endothelial systems
Immuno-cytological analysis on the development and maturation of follicular dendritic cells
In situ analyses on the cellular and molecular mechanisms of immune respnses in lympoid follicles (germinaol centers)
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MISC (19):
Malignant lymphomas in Yamagata Prefecture : Retrospective investigation on incidence and preferential site and a re-evaluation according to newly-published WHO classification. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hematopathology. 2002. 72. 47-54
Malignant lymphomas in Yamagata Prefecture : Retrospective investigation on incidence and preferential site and a re-evaluation according to newly-published WHO classification. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hematopathology. 2002. 72. 47-54