J-GLOBAL ID:200901082200227250
Update date: Jan. 13, 2011
Toyoda Naoko
トヨダ ナオコ | Toyoda Naoko
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Associate Professor
Research field (1):
Japanese linguistics
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6):
- 日本国内における角筆文献の発見と調査, 角筆の研究
- 日本国内における角筆文献の発見と調査、角筆点の研究
- 院政鎌倉時代の平仮名文における仮名字体の研究
- Unearthing of Stylus-Impressed Documents in Japan. Research on the Stylus-Impressed Documents and Graphology by stylus.
- Unearthing of Stylus-impressed Documents in Japan
- Study of the Japanese-Sings font at the Curved Form of the Japanese Sound-Sings Documents in Insei-Kamakura Period.
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MISC (21):
隠岐郷土館の角筆文献について. 隠岐の文化財. 2001. 18. 1
Using Stylus-Impressed Documents which are the properties of Oki Ky(]E87C7[)dokan. Research on Cultural Assets in Oki. 2001. 18. 1
冷泉家時雨亭文庫蔵書の仮名文における「オホ~」表記について-俊成・坊門局・定家・為家の自筆本に注目して-. 『鎌倉時代語研究 第23輯』(武蔵野書院). 2000. 23. 724
Wording of"O-Ho"and"-"in the Kana Sentences in the Book Collection of Reizei-ke Shiguretei Library.-Marking for the Own Handwriting of Shunzei, Boumon-no-tsubone, Teika and Tameie-. Studies of the Japanese Language in Kamakura Age. 2000. 23. 724
藤原俊成自筆『廣田社歌合』にみられる仮名の字体について-判詞中和歌引用部分の字体を手がかりとして-. 三重大学 日本語学文学. 1999. 10. 19-33
Works (10):
1997 - 2000
1997 - 2000
1996 -
1992 - 1995
1993 -
Education (4):
- - 1992 Hiroshima University
- - 1992 Hiroshima University Graduate School, Division of Letters
- - 1990 Mie University Faculty of Humanities, Law and Economics Department of Humanities
- - 1990 Mie University Faculty of Humanities
Professional career (1):
- Master of Arts (Hiroshima University)
Work history (2):
- 1994 - 1995 広島大学留学生センター 非常勤講師1995-2001 鳥羽商船高等専門学校 講師2001- 鳥羽商船高等専門学校 助教授
- 1994 - 1995 Hiroshima University Foreign Student Center, Part-Time Teaching Staff1995-2001 Toba National College of Maritime Technology, Lecturer2001- Toba National College of Maritime Technology, Associate Professor
Association Membership(s) (5):
, 広島大学国語国文学会
, 角筆研究会
, 訓点語学会
, 日本語学会
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