J-GLOBAL ID:200901082537085422
Update date: Jun. 19, 2022
Uehashi Nahoko
Uehashi Nahoko
Affiliation and department:
Research field (1):
Cultural anthropology and folklore
Research keywords (2):
, cultural Anthropology
Research theme for competitive and other funds (1):
- the study of acculturation & ethnicity in Aborigires
MISC (1):
Uehashi Nahoko. My Creative Writing Process and Cultural Anthropology: What Sparks the Flame of Mental Associations. Japanese Journal of Cultural Anthropology. 2021. 85. 4. 583-601
Books (45):
香君 西から来た少女
文藝春秋 2022 ISBN:9784163915159
香君 遙かな道
文藝春秋 2022 ISBN:9784163915166
鹿の王 水底の橋
風と行く者 : 守り人外伝
偕成社 2018
物語と歩いてきた道 : インタビュー・スピーチ&エッセイ集
偕成社 2017
Works (1):
Field work in Mid-West of Wester in Australia
1990 - 2000
Education (2):
- - 1993 Rikkyo University Graduate School of Arts
- - 1993 Rikkyo University Graduate School, Division of Letters
Professional career (2):
Awards (1):
- 2020/07 - 日本文化人類学会 第15回日本文化人類学会賞
Association Membership(s) (2):
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