Evaluation of the region 1 field-aligned current from the low-latitude boundary layer using the 1989 Tsyganenko model. Adavances Polar Upper Atmosphere Research. 2002. 16, 13-35
Distortion of the Nightside Boundary of the ゙Firmly-Closed" Region in the 1996 Tsyganenko Magnetic Field Model. Advances in Polar Upper Atmosphere Research. 2001. 151,43-60
Latitudinal Structure of the Nightside Region 1 Field-Aligned Current Observed from the EXOS-D Satellite. Advances in Polar Upper Atmosphere Research. 1999. 13. 27-40
Computer Simulations of Twisted Flux Tubes and Magnetic Reconnection(jointly authored)
Observational Plasma Astrophysics : Five Years of Yohkoh and Beyond(K1uwer Academic Publishers) 1998