Research keywords (2):
operator theory
, functional analysis
Papers (34):
Cho, M, Prasad T, Rashid M.H.M, Tanahashi K, Uchiyama A. Fuglede-Putnam theorem and quasisimilarity of class p-wA(s,t) operators. Operators and Matrices. 2019. 13. 293-299
Cho, M, Prasad T, Rashid M.H.M, Uchiyama A. Class p-wA(s,t) operators and range kernel orthogonality. Scientiae Mathematicae Japonicae. 2019. 82. 1. 45-55
Cho M, Lee J.E, Tanahashi K, Uchiyama A. Remarks on n-normal operators. Filomat. 2018. 32. 15. 5441-5451
Tanahashi K, Prasad T, Uchiyama A. Quasinormality and subscalarity of class p - wA(s,t) operators. Funct. Anal. Approx. Comput. 2017. 9. 1. 61-68