J-GLOBAL ID:200901083117624880
Update date: Sep. 22, 2022
Tsukano Hiroaki
Tsukano Hiroaki
Affiliation and department:
Research field (3):
Experimental psychology
, Social psychology
, Educational technology
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6):
- Analysis of Social Interaction in the Experimental Situation of Psychology
- Media and Education
- Research on learning processes in the classroom
- メディアと教育
- 課題場面の相互行為分析
- 授業の相互行為分析
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Papers (21):
いじめ場面で感じる不安に関する研究. 2018. 17. 39-49
大学教育における主体的学習に関する実践的研究. 2017
大学生の愛着スタイルと幼少期の親子関係に関する研究. 2017. 16
TSUKANO Hiroaki. Cognitive behavior therapy for chronic insomnia. 2016. 15. 15. 205-214
認知行動療法の理論と基本モデル. 2015. 14. 451-560
MISC (6):
The naive phisics and the understanding Newtoruin physics. Iwate Philosophia. 1996. 27. 10-20
素朴物理学とニュートン力学の理解. イワテフィロソフィア. 1996. 27. 10-20
Arithmetic and mathematical education. Annual review of Japanese child psychology. 1993
算数・数学教育. 児童心理学の進歩. 1993
Understanding the concept of valiable and context of activity on arithemetic word problem. Japan Journal of Educational Technologh. 1992. 19. 2. 79-88
Books (11):
媒介-主体、道具、対象 茂呂・有元・青山・伊藤・香川・岡部編「状況と活動の心理学」
2012 ISBN:9784788512917
The organizing the experimental situation as a cultural practice
The interface of the situation 2001
状況のインターフェース 2001
The Child as a Linguist
The cognitive science of human development -Beyond the modularity 1997
人間発達の認知科学-精神のモジュール性を越えて 1997
Lectures and oral presentations (3):
The research on the understanding and instruction of ratio
Education (2):
- - 1988 Keio University Graduate School, Division of Sociology
- - 1988 Keio University Graduate School of Human Relations
Professional career (1):
Awards (1):
Association Membership(s) (6):
, 日本教育工学会
, 日本教育心理学会
, 日本発達心理学会
, 日本心理学会
, 日本認知科学会
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