J-GLOBAL ID:200901083118107072
Update date: Feb. 20, 2024
Iwahashi Hirofumi
イワハシ ヒロフミ | Iwahashi Hirofumi
Affiliation and department:
Homepage URL (1):
Research field (2):
, Public law
Research keywords (5):
, 地方自治
, 行政手続
, 情報公開
, 国家賠償
Research theme for competitive and other funds (3):
- 2015 - 2018 New development of community design starts at "power of municiparity" for regional revitalization around Minamata disease-affected areas
- 多極的行政法関係と第三者の法的地位
- Procedures for the Legal Standing of Inhabitants in Residential Environments
Papers (10):
Hirofumi Iwahashi. Judgment method of administrative disposition in fund-providing administration : focusing on actions for the revocation of administrative dispositions against decisions not to be provided. 2022. 28. 1-4. 307-331
Method of Judging the Illegality of Administrative Disposition with Defects under the Administrative Procedure Act : Focusing on Hearings and Granting of the Opportunity for Explanation. The Kumamoto Gakuen University journal of liberal arts and sciences. 2022. 27. 2. 1-23
岩橋浩文. 行政基準に関する確認訴訟の利用 - 国民の権利義務や法的地位の救済可能性 -. 熊本学園大学論集『総合科学』. 2021. 27. 1. 1-22
Control by Litigation of Administrative Guidance. Journal of Economics, Kumamoto Gakuen University. 2021. 27. 1-4. 241-265
Illegality and Negligence in Article 1 of the State Redress Act. Journal of Economics, Kumamoto Gakuen University. 2021. 27. 1-4. 217-240
MISC (13):
岩橋 浩文. 居住環境をめぐる地区住民の公共的利益. 都市問題. 2013. 104. 2. 64-71
共著. 郊外型大型店の立地問題に関する法政策的研究. 熊本大学学際的共同研究の拡充・推進プロジェクト報告書. 2008. 123-138
岩橋浩文. 居住環境をめぐる地域的共通利益の法的位置づけ. 熊本大学社会文化研究. 2008. 6. 59-84
Iwahashi,Hirofumi. Legal standing of the regional profit in residential environments. Kumamoto University, studies in social and cultural sciences. 2008. Vol.6. 59-84
共著. 居住や医療面の安全性を確保するためのシステムにおける行政法上の諸問題. 熊本大学学際的共同研究の拡充・推進プロジェクト報告書. 2007. 205-220
Books (2):
法律文化社 2019 ISBN:9784589040008
法律文化社 2010 ISBN:9784589033093
Professional career (2):
- 博士(法学) (熊本大学)
- 修士(法学) (熊本大学)
Awards (2):
- 2011/10 - 自治体学会研究論文賞
- 2011/09 - 東京市政調査会藤田賞
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