J-GLOBAL ID:200901083138126189
Update date: Aug. 25, 2022
Kurosaka Toshiaki
クロサカ トシアキ | Kurosaka Toshiaki
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Other affiliations (1):
Soai University
The Institute of Music, Soai University
Research field (2):
Art history
, Aesthetics and art studies
Research keywords (2):
, Musicology
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6):
MISC (24):
中世ポーランド音楽の研究(1). 音楽研究(相愛大学音楽研究所). 2007. 第10巻. 1-11
V.ベッリーニのオペラ書法に見られる一側面. 相愛大学研究論集. 2002. 第18巻. 1-26
ワルシャワにおける音楽文献資料所蔵機関. 音楽研究. 2001. 8. 1-6
Organs Keeping the Literature and Material about Polish Music in Warsaw. Journal of the Music Institute of Soai University. 2001. 8. 1-6
ポーランド・ルネサンス音楽の諸相. 音楽研究. 2000. 7. 7-12
Books (6):
「西洋音楽の歴史」東京書籍 1996
「西洋音楽の歴史」東京書籍 1996
Development of Romantic Operas: The Century of Luxurious Operas
A History of Western Music, Tokyo-shoseki, Tokyo 1996
Prosperity of Italian Late -Renaissance Music
A History of Western Music, Tokyo-shoseki, Tokyo 1996
「音が織りなすパフォーマンスの世界」昭和堂 1987
Education (4):
- - 1987 Osaka University
- - 1987 Osaka University Graduate School, Division of Letters Musicology
- - 1978 Osaka University School of Letters
- - 1978 Osaka University Faculty of Literature
Professional career (1):
- (BLANK) (Osaka University)
Work history (8):
- 1991 - 1996 Soai University
- 1991 - 1996 Soai University, Assistant Professor
- 1996 - - 相愛大学 教授
- 1996 - - Soai University, Professor
- 1988 - 1991 Soai University
- 1988 - 1991 Soai University, Lecturer
- 1987 - 1988 Kobe Gakuin Women's College
- 1987 - 1988 Kobe Gakuin Women's College, Lecturer
Show all
Committee career (1):
Association Membership(s) (4):
, イタリア学会
, 美学会
, 日本音楽学会
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