J-GLOBAL ID:200901083302611484
Update date: Sep. 19, 2024
Nakatani Akira
ナカタニ アキラ | Nakatani Akira
Research field (2):
Home economics, lifestyle science
, Sports science
Research keywords (8):
, 糖代謝
, 運動生化学
, 運動生理学
, Fat metabolism
, Carbohydrate Metabolism
, Exercise Biochemistry
, Exercise Physiology
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4):
- 2005 - 2007 長期の高脂肪食摂取が骨格筋における脂肪酸輸送に及ぼす影響
- 2005 - 2007 Effect of diacylglycerol high fat diet on fat metabolism in rat skeletak muscle.
- 持久的トレーニングや異なった食事が骨格筋の脂肪酸輸送に及ぼす影響
- Effect of endurance training and diet on fat transport in rat skeletal muscle.
MISC (45):
中谷 昭, 辻井啓之, 八木典子. 比較的短期間の高脂肪食摂取が血液性状および運動時のエネルギー代謝に及ぼす影響. デサントスポーツ科学. 2004. 25. 138-144
中谷 昭, 頼野有香子, 山崎真里, 水本大樹, 南岡宏樹, 辻井啓之. 持久的運動が血中IL-6濃度に及ぼす影響. 奈良教育大学紀要. 2004. 53. 2. 61-65
Nakatani Akira, Okazaki Masahiro, Sakata Susumu. Effect of High Fat Diet on Serum Leptin Level in Rats. Bulletin of Nara University of Education. Natural science. 2001. 50. 2. 39-43
Morita Yasuko, Zheng Jinyao, Jimaru Daisuke, Sakata Susumu, Nakatani Akira. Effects of High Fat Diet and Endurance Training on Rat Adipose Tissue. Bulletin of Nara University of Education. Natural science. 2000. 49. 2. 59-64
Morita Yasuko, Zheng Jinyao, Jimaru Daisuke, Sakata Susumu, Nakatani Akira. Effects of High Fat Diet and Endurance Training on Rat Adipose Tissue. Bull. Nara Univ. Educ. 2000. 49. 2. 59-64
Books (2):
Wide Variation of Myoglobin Contents in Gizzard-Smooth Muscles of Various Avian Species
Oxygen Transport to Tissue X 1988
Wide Variation of Myoglobin Contents in Gizzard-Smooth Muscles of Various Avian Species
Oxygen Transport to Tissue X 1988
Lectures and oral presentations (25):
Effect of high fat diet on fat metabolism in rat skeletal muscle
(2007 International sports Science congress 2007)
(日本体育学会第58回大会 2007)
Effect of high fat diet on fat metabolism in rat skeletal muscle
(2007 International sports Science congress 2007)
Circulating erythropoietin before and after rugby game
(Biochemistry of Exercise 13th International Conference 2006)
Long term endurance training and/or high fat diet feeding increase H-FABP content in rat skeletal muscle
(Biochemistry of Exercise 13th International Conference 2006)
Works (3):
2003 - 2004
Effect of different type of diets on glycogen loading in rats
2003 - 2004
2003 -
Education (4):
- - 1976 東京教育大学大学院 体育学研究科 健康教育学
- - 1976 Tokyo University of Education Graduate School, Division of Physical Recreation Health Education
- - 1973 Nara University of Education Undergraduate of Education
- - 1973 Nara University of Education Faculty of Education
Professional career (1):
Work history (1):
- Nara University of Education Undergraduate of Education, Faculty of Education Health and Sports Science Education Professor
Committee career (3):
- 2006/04 - 2008/03 日本運動生理学会 理事
- 日本体育学会 代議員
- 日本体力医学会 評議員
Association Membership(s) (6):
, 日本運動生理学会
, アメリカスポーツ医学会(American College of Sports Medicine)
, 日本学校保健学会
, 日本体育学会
, 日本体力医学会
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