Research field (1):
Marine and maritime engineering
Research keywords (6):
Environmental Design of Artificial Systems
, Strength of Marine Structures
, Functional Design of Marine Systems
, 環境設計工学
, 構造強度学
, 機能システム工学
Research theme for competitive and other funds (8):
2001 - 造船工場内集塵・排気システムと労働安全性
2001 - The Ventilation System of Metallic Fume in a Fabrication Shop
The Methodology of Functional Design Considering Human Factors
The Characteristics Analysis of Marine Fire Spread Phenomena with Turbulent Heat Diffusion
Analysis of the chaotic Behaviour and Stability of Shell-like Structures
The Characteristic Analysis of Marine Fire Spread Phenomena with Multi-equations System for Fire Safety Design. Practical Design of Ships and Other Floating Structures. 2001. 2. 1253-1259
Fukuchi Nobuyoshi, Shinoda Takeshi, Ono Takahiro, Tamura Yuka. A Stochastic State-transition and Safety Assessment for Marine Accidents Based on Human Factors : Part 2: State-transition gotten to accident and preventing countermeasures. Journal of the Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers. 2001. 190. 671-683