J-GLOBAL ID:200901083441857064
Update date: Jul. 29, 2022
Ichinose Takashi
イチノセ タカシ | Ichinose Takashi
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Research field (4):
Mathematical analysis
, Basic analysis
, Applied mathematics and statistics
, Basic mathematics
Research keywords (6):
, 作用素論
, 経路積分
, partial differential equations
, operator theory
, path integral
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6):
1998 - 量子物理学における数学的問題
1998 - Mathematical Problems in Quantum Physics
1980 - 量子力学の諸問題の作用素論的研究
1980 - Operator-theoretical study on problems in quantum mechanics
1975 - 相対論的量子力学における経路積分と関連する諸問題
1975 - Path integral in relativistic quantum mechanics and related problems
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Papers (23):
ICHINOSE Takashi. Kato's Inequality for Magenetic Relativistic Schr\"odinger Operators. Publ. Res. Inst. Math. Sci. Kyoto University (to appear). 2017. 53. 1. 79-117
Takashi Ichinose, Yoshimi Saito. Improved Sobolev Embedding Theorems for Vector-Valued Functions. FUNKCIALAJ EKVACIOJ-SERIO INTERNACIA. 2014. 57. 2. 245-295
Takashi Ichinose. On Three Magnetic Relativistic Schrodinger Operators and Imaginary-Time Path Integrals. LETTERS IN MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS. 2012. 101. 3. 323-339
Takashi Ichinose, Yoshimi Saito. Dirac-Sobolev Spaces and Sobolev Spaces. FUNKCIALAJ EKVACIOJ-SERIO INTERNACIA. 2010. 53. 2. 291-310
Yoshiki Azuma, Takashi Ichinose. Note on norm and pointwise convergence of exponential products and their integral kernels for the harmonic oscillator. INTEGRAL EQUATIONS AND OPERATOR THEORY. 2008. 60. 2. 151-176
MISC (24):
ICHINOSE Takashi. On three imaginary-time path integral formulas with magnetic fields in relativistic quantaum mechanics. 2015. 1958. 117-147
Takashi Ichinose. Magnetic relativistic schrödinger operators and imaginary-time path integrals. Operator Theory: Advances and Applications. 2013. 232. 247-297
T Ichinose, M Wakayama. Zeta functions for the spectrum of the non-commutative harmonic oscillators. COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS. 2005. 258. 3. 697-739
Takashi Ichinose, Masato Wakayama. Zeta functions for the spectrum of the non-commutative harmonic oscillators. Communications in Mathematical Physics. 2005. 258. 3. 697-739
Takashi Ichinose. Path integral for the radial Dirac equation. Journal of Mathematical Physics. 2005. 46. 2. 022103
Education (6):
- 1969 フランクフルト大学大学院 理学研究科 数学
- 1969 Universit(]E89E4[)t Frankfurt Graduate School, Division of Natural Science Mathematics
- 1966 Nagoya University
- 1966 Nagoya University Graduate School, Division of Science Mathematics
- 1963 Kyoto University Faculty of Engineering
- 1963 Kyoto University Faculty of Engineering Department of Electronics
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Professional career (2):
Dr. phil. nat. (Frankfurt University)
理学博士 (名古屋大学)
Work history (5):
1975 - 1985 Hokkaido University
1975 - 1985 Hokkaido University
1985 - Kanazawa University
1985 - Kanazawa University
Kanazawa University
Association Membership(s) (3):
, 日本数学会
, International Association of Mathematical Physics
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