Research field (2):
Metabolism and endocrinology
, Cardiology
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6):
Multiclinical study for diabetic macroangiopathy.
Mechanism and its treatment for insulin resistance.
Phathophysiological analyses of life style disorder.
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MISC (23):
Improsement of insulin sensitiuity by a long-acting nifeclipine preparation(Nibeclipine-CR)in patients with essntial hypertension. AJH. 2002. 15,927-931
Multifactoriol inshulin resitance and clinical impact in hypertension and cardiovascular cliseases. Dialetes & its Complications. 2002. 16. 19-23
Improsement of insulin sensitiuity by a long-acting nifeclipine preparation(Nibeclipine-CR)in patients with essntial hypertension. AJH. 2002. 15,927-931