J-GLOBAL ID:200901083880245318
Update date: Jan. 17, 2024
Sasaki Mitsuo
ササキ ミツオ | Sasaki Mitsuo
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Research field (3):
, Economic policy
, Commerce
Research keywords (6):
Cheap Talk
, Social Capital
, Market Making
, Economic Sociology
, Microeconomic Analysis
, Macromarketing
Papers (16):
Mitsuo Sasaki. Cheap Talk in Marketing: An Insight into Integrated Marketing Communications. The Shogaku Ronso. 2015. 新装 7. 1. 117-121
書評「ひと・まち・ものづくりの経済学 - 現代産業論の新地平」. 経済社会学会年報. 2014. 36. 211-212
廣瀬涼. コンテンツの社会性に関する試論的考察. 経済社会学会年報. 2014. 36. 160-162
経済社会学とパレート. 経済社会学会年報. 2013. 35. 5-7
書評「孤立の社会学-無縁社会の処方箋」. 経済社会学会年報. 2013. 35. 247-248
Books (1):
2014 ISBN:9784904595527
Lectures and oral presentations (13):
(経済社会学会第49回全国大会 2013)
Strategic Japanese Usages in a Parents' Network
(The Ninth Symposium for Japanese Language Education and Japanese Studies 2012)
Economic Sociology and Vilfredo Pareto
(Society of Economic Sociology 2012)
Bricolourian consumption: Art marketing in view of economic sociology
(The 46th Annual Meeting of the Society of Economic Sociology 2010)
Habitus in view of consumer culture theory
(The 45th Conference of the Society of Economic Sociology 2009)
Education (2):
- 1979 Waseda University Graduate School of Economics Economic Theory and History
- 1969 Waseda University School of Political Science and Economics Department of Economics
Professional career (1):
Master of Arts in Economics (Waseda University)
Work history (1):
Nihon University College of Commerce, Department of Commerce Professor
Committee career (2):
2010/09/01 - 2013/08/31 経済社会学会 会長
2010/09/01 - 2013/08/31 Society of Economic Sociology President
Association Membership(s) (3):
American Marketing Association
, Japan Society of Marketing and Distribution
, Society of Economic Sociology
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