J-GLOBAL ID:200901084311583260
Update date: Jul. 14, 2023
Browne CharlesM
ブラウン チャールズ | Browne CharlesM
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Research field (6):
Literature - European
, Linguistics
, Linguistics
, Linguistics
, Foreign language education
, Linguistics
Research keywords (2):
Applied Linguistics
, Applied Linguistics
Research theme for competitive and other funds (3):
- 2007 - 2009 Meiji Gakuin Presidential Grant 2007-2009
- 2006 - 2007 Aoyama Gakuin Sokken Project 2006-2007
- 2001 - 2002 Aoyama Gakuin Sokken Project 2001-2002
Papers (11):
Browne, Charles. "The NGSL Project: Building Wordlists and Resources to help EFL Learners (and Teachers) to Succeed". Selected Papers from the JALTCALL 2020 Conference. 2021. 1-18
Using Portable Technology to Build Student Knowledge of High Frequency Vocabulary: A New Era of CALL. 2008
The JET Program: Mission Accomplished?. 2008
On Being an English Teacher and Following Your Dreams. 2008
Kalaja, P, Menezes, V. & Barcelos, A. eds. English Education in Japan. 2008
Books (4):
Gambaro! English Teachers!
Sanseudo 2007
Post Eigo Kyoin Syutyu Kenshu (Eigo-kyoin Leader Kenshu) ni Kannsuru Kenkyu (Studies on the training course for post Japanese English teachers)
Eigo Kyoshi no Jishu Kenshu: Sono Kangaekatta to Jissen (Self Study For Japanese Teachers of English: Theory and Practice)
New Perspectives on CALL for Second and Foreign Language Classrooms
Lectures and oral presentations (37):
Reflections on a Year and a Half of Emergency Remote teaching
(English Teachers Association (ETA) 2021)
The New General Service List Project: Meeting the Needs of EFL Learners, Teachers and Materials Developers
(JALT 2019)
Free Corpus-based Word Lists and the Online Tools to Exploit Them
(JALT 2019)
ESP Vocabulary for Language Learners: Introducing the NGSL, BSL, TSL and NAWL Wordlists
(Plenary address at ICCTAR Conference 2019)
The Importance of Developing Vocabulary Knowledge and Reading Skills for Japanese Junior and Senior High School Students: Some Online Resources
(3-hour workshop for Temple University’s Continuing Education Program. 2009)
Professional career (1):
- E.D.(Doctor of Education)
Work history (1):
- 2007/04 - 現在 Meijigakuin University Faculty of Letters, Department of English Professor
Committee career (2):
- 1998/01 - 現在 JALT JALT Journal: Editorial Board
- 1998/01 - 現在 JALT JALT Journal: Editorial Board
Association Membership(s) (10):
, Hiset
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