J-GLOBAL ID:200901084347513501
Update date: Sep. 12, 2022
Ohyoshi Tadashi
オオヨシ タダシ | Ohyoshi Tadashi
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Research field (1):
Science education
Research keywords (8):
, 工学教育
, 技術教育
, 科学教育
, Social Awareness of Science
, Engeneering Education
, Technological Education
, Science Education
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6):
2005 - 匠の技に継続的興味を抱かせる ものづくり工房教材の開発
2005 - Development of the studio teaching materials for driving students to be interested in the skill of "takumi".
2000 - 2004 循環社会型製品のためのモジュール構造設計
2000 - 2004 Modular Structure Design for Products in the Circulatory Society
1995 - 2001 Reflection and Transmission of Elastic Waves by Gradient Inhomogeneous Layers
2001 - 学士課程における教育実践方法
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MISC (83):
Kimihisa Miura, Naoto Shouji, Gui-Rong Liu, Tadashi Ohyoshi. The interference response of reflected transient waves from several micro plane cracks. International Journal of the Society of Material Engineering for Resources. 2006. 13. 2. 112-117
TAKAHASHI Mamoru, KAMIYA Osamu, OHYOSHI Tadashi. Relationship between Bonding Strength and Structure of Initial Growth Film for Synthesized Diamond by Three-step Method Using Combustion Flame. Journal of High Temperature Society. 2006. 32巻 5号 295-304頁. 5. 295-304
TAKAHASHI Mamoru, ITO Shunichi, KAMIYA Osamu, OHYOSHI Tadashi. Synthesis of Diamond Film on Molybdenum Substrate Surface by Combustion Flame Considering the Delamination of the Interface. Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Series B. 2005. 71巻,703号,578-583頁. 703. 578-583
TAKAHASHI Mamoru, KAMIYA Osamu, OHYOSHI Tadashi. Influences for Delamination of Interface of Diamond Film Synthesized Using Combustion Flame on Molybdenum Substrate Surface. Journal of High Temperature Society. 2005. 31巻,3号,154-159頁. 3. 154-159
Tadashi Ohyoshi. Consistency of the measure of modularity for disassembly evaluation of industrial products. International Journal of the Society of Material Engineering for Resources. 2005. 13. 1. 17-21
Patents (1):
Books (6):
日刊工業新聞社 1999
Rare Metal Database (Jointly worked)
秋田大学鉱山学部通信教育講座教科書 1995
Elementary Course of Applied Dynamics
The Text Book for Correspondence Course in Mining College, Akita University 1995
技報堂出版(日本機械学会委託出版) 1990
Works (2):
2000 -
A Quadratic Layer Element for Analyzing Strero Waves in FGMs and Its Application in Material Characterization
2000 -
Education (4):
- 1973 Tohoku University
- 1973 Tohoku University Graduate School, Division of Engineering
- 1968 Tohoku University Faculty of Engineering
- 1968 Tohoku University Faculty of Engineering
Professional career (2):
工学修士 (東北大学)
Committee career (3):
1993 - 2003 日本素材物性学会 国際会議担当役員,編集委員長
2000 - 2002 日本複合材料学会 支部理事,支部長
1992 - 1993 日本機械学会 支部幹事,第二出版校閲委員,評議員
Awards (2):
2005 - Special Award of Int. Conf. of Mat. Eng. for Resources
2001 - 山崎賞
Association Membership(s) (7):
, 日本音響学会
, 日本非破壊検査協会
, 日本工業教育協会
, 日本複合材料学会
, 日本素材物性学会
, 日本機械学会
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