MATSUBARA Shizuo, IWAMA Junko. Significance of Developing Problem-solving Abilities in Elementary School Science: The Case of “Function of Electricity". 2017. 4. 65-81
MATSUBARA Shizuo, IWAMA Junko. Significance of Developing Problem-solving Abilities through Experience in Science Education: The Case of “Properties of aqueous solutions". Research Bulletin, Toin University of Yokohama. 2017. 36. 95-105
MATSUBARA Shizuo, IWAMA Junko. Significance of Developing Problem-solving Abilities through Experience in Science Education: The Case of “Pathway of Electricity". Research Bulletin, Toin University of Yokohama. 2016. 34. 33-45
MATSUBARA Shizuo. Practice of Fostering Expression Ability in Science Education. Chemistry and Education. 2015. 63. 9. 420-423
Science Education of Japan in International Studies. Chemistry and Education. 2004. 52. 3. 196-199
絶対評価で理科の授業はどう変わるか. 理科の教育. 2003. 52. 2,80-83
What Does Criterion Assessment Bring to Science Lesson?. Science Education Monthly. 2003. 52. 2. 80-83
Relations between Group Discussion and Science and Scientific Thinking in Experiment Activities: Experiment on Boiling and Vapor in Upper Secondary Chemistry. Journal of Research in Science Education. 2003. 43. 3. 1-8
Results of Questionnaire (Chemistry) in Monitor Test with CBT
Development of "Plastics around us" Educational Materials and Sharing the Practices with Each Countries
(Seventh International Workshop for Sustainability 2016)
Results of Questionnaire (Chemistry) in Pilot Test with CBT
1996 - 2004 Japan Society of Science Education councilor
2004 - 日本理科教育学会 評議員
2004 - the Chemical Society of Japan official, Chemistry Education Council
2004 - Society of Japan Science Teaching councilor
1996 - 2003 日本科学教育学会 評議員
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Awards (2):
2010/03 - the Chemical Society of Japan CSJ Award of Chemistry Education Continuous contribution to the advancement and promotion of the chemistry education from the standpoint of a specialist in education
1988 - 科学教育研究奨励賞
Association Membership(s) (6):
, 日本理科教育学会
, 日本科学教育学会
, the Chemical Society of Japan
, Society of Japan Science Teaching
, Japan Society of Science Education