J-GLOBAL ID:200901084867606456
Update date: Dec. 18, 2024
Watanabe Kazuyoshi
Watanabe Kazuyoshi
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Professor,Professor emeritus (Nagoya University)
Research field (2):
Fetal medicine/Pediatrics
, Neurology
Research keywords (6):
, てんかん学
, 小児神経学
, Epilepsy
, Child neurology
Research theme for competitive and other funds (5):
- 1967 - 周生期脳障害の神経生理学的研究
- 1967 - Neuro physiological Study of perinatal Brain Damage
- 1964 - 小児てんかんの発達神経学的研究
- 1964 - 小児てんかんの発達神経学的研究
- 1964 - Developmental Study of Epilepsies of childhood onset
MISC (17):
T Kato, A Okumura, F Hayakawa, K Kuno, K Watanabe. The evolutionary change of flash visual evoked potentials in preterm infants with periventricular leukomalacia. CLINICAL NEUROPHYSIOLOGY. 2005. 116. 3. 690-695
A follow-up survey on seizures induced by animated cartoon TV program "Pocket Monster". Epilepsia. 2004. 45(4):377-83
Electroencephalographic aspects of periventricular hemorrhagic infarction in preterm infants. Neuropediatrics. 2004. 35(3):161-6
A Okumura, F Hayakawa, T Kato, K Maruyama, T Kubota, M Suzuki, H Kidokoro, K Kuno, K Watanabe. Abnormal sharp transients on electroencephalograms in preterm infants with periventricular leukomalacia. JOURNAL OF PEDIATRICS. 2003. 143. 1. 26-30
M Hayakawa, A Okumura, F Hayakawa, Y Kato, M Ohshiro, N Tauchi, K Watanabe. Nutritional state and growth and functional maturation of the brain in extremely low birth weight infants. PEDIATRICS. 2003. 111. 5. 991-995
Works (3):
1998 - 2000
1995 - 1997
1995 - 1997
Education (4):
- - 1968 Nagoya University
- - 1968 Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine Pediatrics
- - 1963 Nagoya University School of Medicine
- - 1963 Nagoya University Faculty of Medicine Medicine
Professional career (1):
- Doctor(Medical Science) (Nagoya University)
Work history (13):
- 1984 - 2002 Nagoya University School of Medicine
- 1984 - 2002 Professor, Nagoya University School of
- 2002 - - 愛知淑徳大学 教授
- 2002 - - Professor Aichi Shukutoku University
- 1979 - 1984 Nagoya University School of Medicine
- 1979 - 1984 Assistant Professor, Nagoya University School
- 1970 - 1979 Nagoya University School of Medicine
- 1970 - 1979 Part-time Assistant Professor, Nagoya
- 1969 - 1970 Nagoya University School of Medicine
- 1969 - 1970 Research Assistant, Nagoya University School
- Medicine
- University School of Medicine
- of Medicine
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Committee career (10):
- 1990 - 2002 国際小児神経学会 理事
- 1990 - 2002 The International Child Neurology Society Director
- 1985 - 2001 日本新生児学会 評議員
- 1985 - 2001 The Japan Society of Neonatology Councilor
- 1984 - 日本てんかん学会 理事
- 1984 - The Japan Epilepsy Society Director
- 1981 - 日本小児神経学会 理事
- 1981 - The Japanese Society of Child Neurology Director
- 1960 - 1962 日本小児科学会 理事
- 1960 - 1962 The Japan Pediatric Society Director
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Association Membership(s) (10):
, 日本てんかん学会
, 日本新生児学会
, 日本小児神経学会
, 日本小児科学会
, The International Child Neurology Society
, The Japan Epilepsy Society
, The Japan Society of Neonatology
, The Japanese Society of Child Neurology
, The Japan Pediatric Society
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