2008 - 2009 Structure of linearized eigenvalue problems associated with reaction-diffusion equations and applications
2006 - 2008 Research on the structure of solutions for nonlinear systems of reaction-diffusion equations
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Papers (21):
Yuki Kaneko, Yasuhito Miyamoto, Tohru Wakasa. Stability and bifurcation diagram for a shadow Gierer-Meinhardt system in one spatial dimension. Nonlinearity. 2024. 37. 5. 055011-055011
Bertsch M., Izuhara H., Mimura M., Wakasa T. Partially overlapping travelling waves in a parabolic-hyperbolic system "jointly worked". Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems- Series B. 2023. 28. 12. 5934-5966
Miyamoto Y., Takemura H., Wakasa T. Asymptotic formulas of the eigenvalues for the linearization of the scalar field equation. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section A: Mathematics. 2023. 1-38
Shuya A., Miyamoto Y., Wakasa T. Asymptotic formulas of the eigenvalues for the linearization of a one-dimensional sinh-Poisson equation "jointly worked". Journal of Elliptic and Parabolic Equations. 2023. 9. 2. 1043-1070
Guo J.S., Huang B.C., Wakasa T., Wang C.J., Yu C.Y. The structure of stationary solutions to a micro-electro mechanical system with fringing field (jointly worked). Journal of Differential Equations. 2020. 269. 9. 7676-7704
Wakasa Tohru. On profiles of critical eigenfunctions for linearized problems of bistable reaction diffusion equations (Progress in Qualitative Theory of Ordinary Differential Equations). 数理解析研究所講究録. 2014. 1901. 1901. 79-91
Books (1):
培風館 2021 ISBN:9784563011581
Lectures and oral presentations (39):
(さいたま数理解析セミナー 2024)
Stability and Bifurcation for 1-0dimensional Gierer-Meinhardt shadow system
(第7回 反応拡散方程式と非線形分散型方程式の解の挙動 2024)
Linearized eigenvalue problems, Lame equations, and modified elliptic integrals of the third kind
(The 13th AIMS conference on dynamical systems, differential equations and applications 2023)