J-GLOBAL ID:200901085657294741   Update date: Nov. 30, 2019

Sano Yoshinori

サノ ヨシノリ | Sano Yoshinori
Affiliation and department:
Job title: Professor
Research keywords  (4): Plato ,  Greek Tragedy ,  Homer ,  ホメーロス, ギリシア悲劇, プラトン
Papers (14):
  • Reconsideration of the Deaths of the Suitors in Odyssey 22: with Special Reference to the Death of Antinous (8-21) and the Death of Eurymachus (69-88). Philologica. 2015. 10. 1-13
  • Yoshinori Sano. The First Stasimon of Sophocles' Antigone (332-375): Comparison with Texts on Cultural Progress. Japan Studies in Classical Antiquity. 2014. 2. 31-46
  • Yoshinori Sano. Tradition of Pastoral in Milton's Lycidas and Epitaphium Damonis. Pastoral: Origin and Tradition of Pastoral Poetry. 2013. 1. 211-231
  • SANO, Yoshinori. The Backgrounds of Plato's Definition of Justice in Republic 4. Dialogues on Plato's Politeia (Republic), International Plato Studies. 2013. 31
  • 佐野 好則. ホメロス研究における新分析論-伝統に対する詩人の創造をめぐって. 近代精神と古典解釈,高等研報告書. 2012. 1102. 89-98
MISC (1):
  • (Book Review) M. L. West, The Making of the Odyssey. Journal of Classical Studies. 64. 129-131
Lectures and oral presentations  (12):
  • The Allure of the Sirens: Ancient Greek Texts, Iconography, and Beyond
    (Symposium: Liminal Existence in Art and Literature 2016)
  • Reconsideration of the Slaughter of Suitors in Odyssey 22: with Special Reference to the Deaths of Antinous and Eurymachus (Odyssey 22. 8-21, 69-88)
    (13th Conference of Philologica Society 2014)
  • Deaths of Heroes in the Iliad and Deaths of the Suitors in Odyssey 22
    (Hakubi Siminar: The Processes of Dying in the Ancient Greek World 2014)
  • The First Stasimon of Sophocles' Antigone: Comparison with Texts on Cultural Progress
    (Conference on Freedom and the State: Plato and the Classical Tradition 2012)
  • An Aspect of the Originality of Plato's Concept of Justice in the Republic: the Critical Use of Poetical Ideas in the Tripartite Theory
    (IX Symposium Platonicum 2010)
Work history (14):
  • 2015/04 - 現在 キリスト教と文化研究所長
  • 2015/04 - 現在 International Christian University Faculty of Liberal Arts, Department of Humanities Professor
  • 2006/04 - 現在 International Christian University Board of Trustees, High School Committee Member
  • 2014/04 - 2017/03 International Christian University Chair of Religious Affairs Committee
  • 2014/04 - 2015/03 Chair, Department of Art, Literature and Music, International Christian University
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Association Membership(s) (5):
日本西洋古典学会 ,  Hellenic Society ,  Japan Classical Society, Book Review Committee Member ,  古典文献学研究会編集委員 ,  古典文献学研究会
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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