J-GLOBAL ID:200901085942380082
Update date: Sep. 06, 2024
Takahashi Hideki
タカハシ ヒデキ | Takahashi Hideki
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Other affiliations (1):
Niigata University
Graduate School of Modern Society and Culture Social and Cultural Studies
Research field (5):
History of thought
, History - Asia/Africa
, Literature - European
, History - Europe/America
, History - General
Research theme for competitive and other funds (18):
- 2024 - 2028 Imagining Slavery: Studies on Dynamics over the Mediterranian-type of Slavery
- 2020 - 2024 「奴隷」と隷属の世界史-地中海型奴隷制度論を中心として-
- 2020 - 2023 古代東地中海沿岸域における民主政型言論文化と王政型言論文化の往還とその中継文化
- 2017 - 2020 Decision making in oral performances in Ancient Greek and Egypt
- 2014 - 2018 The development of relationships between port cities and their inland regions from historical perspectives
- 2013 - 2016 アルカイック期ギリシアのアゴーンと民主政:言語的、身体的示威表象の展開と政治化
- 2009 - 2012 古代東地中海沿岸域の政治文化:集会・議論と権力の表象-ギリシアとエジプト-
- 2008 - 2011 A multiple study of the basic society in ancient China through databases of excavated relics
- 2007 - 2010 A Study of an Acculturation in the Oases of the Egyptian Western Desert : In Case of Adoption and Diffusion of Amun Adoration
- 2007 - 2010 The Changing Intermediary Role of Slaves, Immigrants and Mixed Blooded People between Local and Foreign Communities at Port Cities during the 19^<th> and 20^<th> Centuries
- 2006 - 2008 Nationstate and Identiy-Complex in European History
- 2004 - 2005 神話から見た古代東地中海沿岸の文化交流
- 2002 - 2005 古代ギリシアのOrientalizing Periodにおける地中海文化交流の研究
- 2002 - 2004 システムズアプローチの適用による文学研究
- 2002 - 2004 A comparative study of mythology : ritual, rationality and discourse
- 2002 - 2004 "Enregistrement" and "publication" of royal legislation by inferior courts in France of Ancien Regime
- 2000 - 2002 A General Study of the Epic in terms of Comparative Culture
- 2000 - 2001 アルカイック期アテナイと党争-分析のための史料検討を中心として-
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Papers (60):
Hideki Takahashi. Pouludamas and Hektor: Speeches of gods and heroes in Ilias XVIII. SHIRYOGAKU-KENKYU. 2023. 20. 1-27
Hideki Takahashi. The struggle of Automedon and the leadership of Ajax: Speeches of gods and heroes in Ilias XVII. SHIRYOGAKU-KENKYU. 2022. 19. 1-41
Hideki Takahashi. Zeus and Achilles: Speeches of gods and heroes in Ilias XVI. SHIRYOGAKU-KENKYU. 2021. 18. 1-28
Hideki Takahashi. Supreme Zeus: Speeches of gods and heroes in Ilias XV. 2020. 17. 1-28
Hideki Takahashi. Failures of Agamemnon and Here : Speeches of gods and heroes in Ilias XIV. 2018. 77. 23-47
MISC (6):
松井克浩, 松井賢二, 高橋秀樹, 櫻井典子. 学生支援センター活動報告 学生支援部門. 教育・学生支援機構年報 自立と創生. 2015. 9. 51-56
Takahashi Ayumi, Takahashi Hideki. Learner Anxiety in Latin Class : A Study. 2014. 19. 1-16
Takahashi Ayumi, Takahashi Hideki. Learners' Self-esteem and Its Relationships with Motivation for Learning English, Self-perceived and Actual English Proficiency. 2013. 18. 1-12
高橋秀樹. 米国視察-1SOTL2ニューヨーク3インディアナ大学-. 大学教育研究年報. 2010. 16. 173-174
高橋秀樹. ポートフォリオを活用した授業活性化. 大学教育研究年報. 2010. 16. 97-99
Books (12):
河出書房新社 2018 ISBN:9784309762708
春風社 2018 ISBN:9784861105920
知泉書館 2014 ISBN:9784862851833
Slaves, Migrants and Mixed-Blood People as Mediators between Different
2013 ISBN:9784861103865
南窓社 2008 ISBN:9784816503627
Lectures and oral presentations (5):
Degeneration of humanity : three historical narratives
(ATLANTYS 3rd International Conference (Nantes, France) 2017)
(磚画・壁画の環東アジア 2011)
(東北学院大学オープンリサーチ『光は東方より』 2009)
Ilias 5.330-430.-アフロディテ女神をめぐる宗教史の一断面-
(2009年度西洋史研究会大会 2009)
(日本西洋史学会第59回大会 2009)
Professional career (1):
Work history (6):
Association Membership(s) (6):
, 西洋史学会
, 古代エジプト研究会
, 西洋古典学会
, 史学会
, 西洋史研究会
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